Top Hausa Names for Boys and Girls With Meaning

Hausa names are used by the Hausa people of Nigeria and Niger, one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa. These names are deeply rooted in Hausa culture, traditions, and religion, often reflecting Islamic influences as Islam is widely practiced among the Hausa people.

Discover the top Hausa names for boys and girls, each with its unique meaning and cultural significance. Explore these beautiful names inspired by tradition and heritage.

Top Hausa Names for Boys and Girls With Meaning

Hausa Names Boy

AbdullahiServant of Allah (Hausa form of Arabic Abd Allah)
AbubakarFather of a young camel (Hausa form of Abu Bakr)
AhmaduHighly praised or commendable (Hausa form of Ahmad)
AlhajiOne who has completed the Hajj pilgrimage (derived from Arabic)
AliyuExalted, noble (Hausa form of Ali)
AminuFaithful, trustworthy (Hausa form of Amin)
AyubaAfflicted or persecuted (Hausa form of Job)
BalarabeBorn on Wednesday (derived from Hausa Laraba)
BelloHelper (possibly derived from Fula ballo)
BitrusRock or stone (Hausa form of Peter)
BukarBlessed, fortunate (short form of Abubakar)
ƊanjumaSon born on Friday (Hausa: ɗa “son,” Jumma’a “Friday”)
ƊanladiSon born on Sunday (Hausa: ɗa “son,” Lahadi “Sunday”)
ƊanlamiSon born on Thursday (Hausa: ɗa “son,” Alhamis “Thursday”)
HamisuFifth-born (derived from Arabic خامس, khāmis “fifth”)
HarunaExalted, lofty (Hausa form of Harun, Arabic for Aaron)
IbrahimFather of many or exalted father (Arabic form of Abraham)
JatauFair-skinned or light-colored
LawalThe firstborn (derived from Arabic أول, ʾawwal “first”)
LawaliVariant of Lawal
MammanA contraction of Muhammadu, meaning praiseworthy
MuhammaduPraiseworthy (Hausa form of Muhammad)
MusaDrawn out of water (Arabic form of Moses)
RabiuFourth-born (derived from Arabic رابع, rābiʿ “fourth”)
SalisuThird-born (derived from Arabic ثالث, thālith “third”)
SaniSecond-born (derived from Arabic ثاني, thānī “second”)
ShehuChief, elder, or spiritual leader (from Arabic شيخ, shaykh)
UmarFlourishing, long-lived (Arabic form of عمر, ʿumr “life”)
UmaruHausa variant of Umar
UsmanBaby bustard bird (Hausa form of Uthman)
YaƙubuSupplanter (Hausa form of Yaqub, Jacob in Arabic)

Hausa Names Girl

AishaLiving, alive (Arabic origin)
AishatuVariant of Aisha
AlheriKindness, goodness, or charity
AminaSafe, secure, or protected
AsabeBorn on Saturday
Asma’uSupreme or lofty (Hausa form of Asma)
BilƙisuQueen of Sheba (Hausa form of Bilqis)
FaɗimatuWeaned or abstaining (Hausa form of Fatima)
HadizaPremature baby (Hausa form of Khadija)
HadizatuVariant of Hadiza
HafsatLioness or helper (Hausa form of Hafsa)
HauwaEve or source of life (Hausa form of Hawa)
Hauwa’uVariant of Hauwa
JamilaBeautiful, graceful
JummaiBorn on Friday (derived from Hausa Jumma’a)
KyautaA gift
LadiBorn on Sunday (derived from Hausa Lahadi)
MaryamuBeloved or wished-for child (Hausa form of Maryam)
RakiyaGentle or ascendant (Hausa form of Ruqayya)
SafiyaPure, righteous, or best friend
TalatuBorn on Tuesday (derived from Hausa Talata)
YalwaAbundance, plenty
ZainabFragrant flower or beauty (Hausa form of Zaynab)
ZainabuVariant of Zainab

Unisex Hausa Names

KyautaA gift
YalwaAbundance, plenty

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