300+ Somali Names for Boys and Girls With Meanings

Somali names are widely used across Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, which are located in the Horn of Africa.

Explore over 300 Somali boy and girl names with meanings. From traditional to modern, find the perfect name for your baby with detailed descriptions.

300+ Somali Names for Boys and Girls

Somali Names Boy

AadaanCall to prayer
AadamThe first man
AadenThe first man
AbadirMighty father
AbdiaziizServant of the mighty
AbdifatahServant of the opener
AbdikadirServant of the powerful
AbdirahimServant of the merciful
AbdirahmanServant of the merciful
AbdirizakServant of the provider
AbdulkadirServant of the powerful
AbdullahiServant of God
AbduwaliServant of the protector
AbrooneTraditional Somali name
AbshirMeans “congratulations”
AbtidoonTraditional Somali name
AbukarFather of the unique
AbyanTo complete or to perfect
AdanCall to prayer
AdenCall to prayer
AleekiBrave lion
AraarsameRooted in Somali language and culture
AshkirTraditional Somali name
AyanleMasculine form of Ayan
AyuubForm of Ayyub (Biblical name, Job)
BabowTraditional Somali name
BashiirBringer of good news
BilaalVariant of Bilal (A companion of the Prophet Muhammad)
BileStrength, leadership, resilience
BootaanStrength, courage, dignity
BurhaanCharisma (in Somali), Proof (in Arabic)
CabaasForm of Abbas (A lion or brave)
CabdilleServant of God
CabdimajiidServant of the glorious
CabdinaasirServant of the victorious
CabdinasirServant of the victorious
CabdinuurServant of the light
CabdiqaadirServant of the powerful
CabdiraxmaanServant of the merciful
CabdirisaaqServant of the provider
CabdisalaanServant of peace
CabdisamadServant of eternity
CabdullahiServant of God
CabdulmajiidServant of the glorious
CadnaanForm of Adnan (The everlasting)
CartanStrength, steadfastness
CawilReplacement, advocate
CiiseForm of Isa (Jesus)
CilmiKnowledge, learning
ColowTraditional Somali name
CumarForm of Umar (Life, long-lived)
DaahirPure, clean
DahirPure, clean
DalmarTraveler of the land, one who journeys
DegawaynaTraditional Somali name
DhiiraanTraditional Somali name
DigilRefers to a Somali clan known for agriculture
DiiriyeTraditional Somali name
DiricBold, fearless, daring
EgalVariant of Cigaal
FaaruuqDistinguished, an example to follow
FilsanBest of her/his age
FoosiProsperous, successful
GacayteTraditional Somali name
GadiidOld Somali name
GalbeyteIn the west
GarreRespected Somali clan
GeediTraditional Somali name
GeeldoonTraditional Somali name
GuledVictory after a long struggle
HaaruunForm of Harun (A Prophet’s name)
HabsadeTraditional Somali name
HalasGood, positive
HamseTraditional Somali name
HanadTraditional Somali name
HirsiVariant spelling of Xirsi
HufaneTraditional Somali name
HurreTraditional Somali name
IbraahiimForm of Abraham
IbraahimForm of Abraham
IbraahinArchaic form of Abraham
IbrahiimArchaic form of Abraham
IdirisForm of Idris (Prophet’s name)
IdowTraditional Somali name
IimaanFaith, belief
IrbadTraditional Somali name
IridoForm of Irida (Greek origin)
IsaaqVariant of Isaac
IsmaaciilForm of Ishmael
IssackForm of Isaac
IsseForm of Isa (Jesus)
IsxaaqForm of Isaac
JibriilForm of Gabriel
JiilaalTraditional Somali name
JiinowTraditional Somali name
KaahinTraditional Somali name
KamasTraditional Somali name
KeenadiidTraditional Somali name
KeeynaanTraditional Somali name
KhaalidForm of Khalid (Eternal)
LibanPerseverance, typically used for handsome boys
LiibaanVictory, winning
LooyanAdvocate, one who resolves disputes
LuulTraditional Somali name
MaaxNot one of the most common names but recognized in Somali culture.
MaganProtection or refuge.
MaxahmedVariant of Maxamed.
MaxamadVariant of Maxamed.
MaxamudSomali variant of Muhammad.
MaxamuudSomali form of Mohammad.
MaxbuubSomali form of Mahbub (beloved).
MegagVariant of Maygaag, used outside Somalia.
MigilA name with unknown detailed meaning.
MohamedExtremely common name in Somalia, often used as part of longer names.
MohamudSomali version of Muhammad.
MoorganUnknown specific meaning, but a Somali name.
MuhiyadiinUnknown specific meaning, but a Somali name.
MuseVariant spelling of Muuse, used outside Somalia.
MustafeSomali form of Mustafa.
MustapheSomali form of Mustafa.
MuuseSomali form of Moses.
MuxammadVariant of Maxamed.
NaardiidAn archaic Somali name with an unknown meaning.
NuradinVariant of Nur ad-Din.
NuuxSomali form of Noah.
OlolA Somali name with no specific meaning.
OmrayaanUnknown specific meaning, likely of Arabic origin.
PaandeeUnknown specific meaning, but a Somali name.
QaasimSomali form of Qasim (divider, one who distributes).
QadarA name with no specific meaning in Somali.
QalanjoA Somali name with no detailed meaning.
QaloonUnknown specific meaning, possibly archaic.
QamaanMeans “all” in Somali.
QoraneMeans “writer” in Somali.
RaageHe who delayed at birth.
RaxmaanSomali form of Rahman (merciful).
RobleVariant of Rooble, used outside of Somalia.
RoobleRain man or one who brings rain.
SaalaxSomali form of Salah (peaceful).
SaciidSomali form of Sa’id (happy).
SafwaanSomali form of Safwan (pure, clean).
SakariyeSomali form of Zechariah (God remembers).
SaleebaanSomali form of Sulayman (Solomon).
SamatarDoing good or just good.
Samuu’eelSomali form of Samuel (heard by God).
SekaryaahSomali form of Zechariah (God remembers).
ShacbaanSomali form of Shaban (eighth month of Islamic calendar).
ShariifSomali form of Sharif (noble).
SharmaarkeMeans “see no evil” or “protect from evil.”
SharmarkeVariant spelling of Sharmaarke, used outside Somalia.
SheekhSomali form of Sheikh (a learned person).
ShermakeMeans “someone who brings good fortune.”
ShermarkeMeans “one who brings good fortune.”
ShireUnknown specific meaning.
SiciidSomali form of Sa’id (happy).
SooyaanMake up.
SubanA name with unknown specific meaning.
SudaysiBased on sheikh Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Sudais, Imam of the Great Mosque of Mecca.
SufyaanSomali form of Sufian (pious).
SuleymaanSomali form of Solomon.
TabanUnknown specific meaning, but used in Somali culture.
TadaleshPerson who possesses a lot of good luck.
TahiilSomeone who is well-balanced.
TosaneWise or knowledgeable.
TubeecMelodious or musical.
TukaaleNoble or honorable.
TumasArabic form of Thomas.
WaabberiDawn or daybreak.
WaaqName for the ancient Cushitic sky god.
WacaysUnknown specific meaning.
WarfaUnknown specific meaning.
WarsameGood news. Derived from Somali words for news and good.
XaajiSomali form of Haji (pilgrim).
XalaneUnknown specific meaning.
XamiidSomali form of Hamid (praise-worthy).
XamseSomali form of Hamza (strong).
XamzaSomali form of Hamza (strong).
XandulleUnknown specific meaning.
XassanVariant of Xasan (handsome).
XirsiMeans safeguard.
XuseenSomali form of Husayn (handsome).
XusenVariant of Xuseen.
YaasiinSomali form of Yasin (a chapter of the Quran).
YabaalAmbitious or strives for success.
YacquubSomali form of Yaqub (Jacob).
YahyeSomali form of Yahya (John).
YashuucaSomali form of Joshua.
YaxyeSomali form of Yahya.
YeremyaahSomali form of Jeremiah.
YoonisSomali form of Yunus (Jonah).
YooxanaaSomali form of John.

Somali Names Girl

AamiinaTrustworthy or faithful.
AmburoDerived from a surname, possibly indicating a family lineage or origin.
AminoSafe or secure.
AragsanTo see or look.
AraweloRooted in Somali folklore, associated with traditional tales.
AsliAmber, symbolizing warmth and natural beauty.
AsturRepose or seclusion, reflecting tranquility and peace.
AyanGood fortune or lucky.
BarniAssociated with youth or a playful spirit.
BarwaaqoProsperity, symbolizing success and abundance.
BatuuloPurity or innocence, symbolized by the word “batul” meaning virgin.
BaxsanEscape, symbolizing freedom or liberation.
BeydaanAlmond, representing nourishment or vitality.
BilanFull of joy or happy.
BillanHappy or content.
Caa’ishaAlive or living, symbolizing vitality and strength.
CanabGrape, symbolizing sweetness and nature’s gifts.
CawoLuck, often used to convey good fortune.
CibadoDevotion or worship, symbolizing spiritual dedication.
DayaxMoon, symbolizing beauty, light, and serenity.
DeeqaSymbolizes balance or harmony in life.
DegmoDistrict or region, reflecting geographical or community origin.
FaadumaOne who has achieved success or is fortunate.
FaadumoBeloved or precious, often associated with cherished individuals.
FadhaSilver, symbolizing value and rarity, or empty space, symbolizing openness or freedom.
FadumaOne who is successful or fortunate.
FahmoUnderstanding, symbolizing wisdom or insight.
FardowsaParadise, symbolizing beauty and blissful existence.
FarhiaHappiness, symbolizing joy and contentment.
FarhiyaHappiness or delight, symbolizing a joyful nature.
FartuunFortunate or lucky, symbolizing prosperity.
FilsanThe best of her age, representing excellence and superiority.
GeesiCourageous or brave, symbolizing heroism and strength.
GuledVictory after a long struggle, symbolizing perseverance and triumph.
HabidoA name symbolizing deep affection and care.
HafzahLioness, symbolizing strength, courage, and fierceness.
HalimoGentle or mild, symbolizing kindness and calm.
HibaaqGift, symbolizing a valuable and cherished offering.
HibaqA variant of Hibaaq, symbolizing a precious gift or blessing.
HoodoLuck or good fortune, symbolizing positive outcomes and prosperity.
IdilUnity, symbolizing togetherness or harmony.
IftiinLight or radiance, symbolizing brightness and hope.
IimaanFaith, symbolizing belief and trust.
IsmahanA name of noble qualities, often associated with nobility and virtue.
JawaahirJewels or precious stones, symbolizing beauty and value.
JiinowA name with no specific meaning, potentially symbolizing simplicity or beauty.
KaahaA name symbolizing beauty and grace.
KalifaChaste or holy, symbolizing purity and sacredness.
KhadiijaEarly or first, symbolizing leadership or pioneering spirit.
KhadijoVariant of Khadiija, symbolizing purity and virtue.
KhadraLucky or fortunate, symbolizing positive circumstances and good fortune.
LadanHealthy, symbolizing well-being and vitality.
LeyloA variant of Leila, symbolizing night or beauty.
LibinHealthy, symbolizing wellness and vitality.
LuulaPossibly a variant of Maana, symbolizing grace and elegance.
MaanaA name symbolizing understanding and perception.
MagoolBlossom, symbolizing new beginnings or growth.
MahadoGratitude, symbolizing thankfulness and appreciation.
MalaboHoney, symbolizing sweetness and nourishment.
MaqdisSacred or holy, symbolizing purity and reverence.
MaryamaA variant of Maryam, symbolizing purity and grace.
MudanMerit or deserving, symbolizing worthiness and accomplishment.
MulkiSovereignty or rulership, symbolizing authority and leadership.
MumimaThe best or most admirable, symbolizing excellence.
NadifaClean or pure, symbolizing clarity and innocence.
NajaatSalvation, symbolizing deliverance and freedom from hardship.
NashaadVibrant, symbolizing energy and liveliness.
NasraHelper or supporter, symbolizing assistance and guidance.
NasteexoAdvice or counsel, symbolizing wisdom and guidance.
NastehoAdvice or counsel, symbolizing wisdom and insight.
NimoBlessing, symbolizing a precious gift or favor.
ObaxDelicate and beautiful, symbolizing fragility and grace.
QummanUpright or honest, symbolizing integrity and righteousness.
RaaxoComfort or enjoyment, symbolizing contentment and satisfaction.
RaqiiyaaAscension, symbolizing growth and spiritual elevation.
RashahelA variant of Rachel, symbolizing purity and beauty.
RaxmoKindness, symbolizing compassion and gentleness.
ReabetsweWe have been provided for, symbolizing abundance and divine provision.
RuweydaGentle, symbolizing softness and kindness.
SabirinPatient, symbolizing endurance and calmness.
SagalMorning rays of the sun during the rainy season, symbolizing renewal and hope.
SahraDesert, symbolizing vastness and resilience.
SainabA name symbolizing beauty and grace.
SamiiroCompanion or friend, symbolizing closeness and loyalty.
SaredoHigh or advanced, symbolizing achievement and success.
SeynabVariant of Zaynab, symbolizing beauty and charm.
ShaadiyyaHappiness or joy, symbolizing positive emotions and contentment.
ShankaroonBetter than five, symbolizing unique worth or immeasurable value.
SiraadLantern, symbolizing light and guidance.
SuleekhaLucky or fortunate, symbolizing favorable circumstances.
SuubbanModesty, symbolizing simplicity and humility.
TissaA gift from God, symbolizing divine favor and blessing.
TusmoIn tandem, symbolizing synchronization or harmony.
UbaxFlower or blossom, symbolizing beauty and growth.
UgbaadBouquet of roses, symbolizing elegance and affection.
UgbadA bouquet of roses, symbolizing love and beauty.
WarisDesert flower, symbolizing resilience and beauty in harsh conditions.
WarsanGood news, symbolizing positivity and joy.
XaadsanCute, symbolizing attractiveness and charm.
XaaliA name symbolizing peace or calmness.
XaawaVariant of Xaawo, symbolizing a maternal or caring nature.
XaliimoA variant of Halima, symbolizing gentleness and kindness.
XalwoSweet, symbolizing kindness and warmth.
XanaanCompassion or tenderness, symbolizing empathy and care.
XasnaA variant of Hasna, symbolizing beauty and purity.
XawaVariant of Xaawo, symbolizing a caring and nurturing nature.
XawoVariant of Xaawo, symbolizing compassion and love.
XiddigStar, symbolizing guidance and brightness.
YaasmiinJasmine, symbolizing fragrance and beauty.
YasmiinVariant of Yasmin, symbolizing beauty and charm.
ZamzamA holy well in Mecca, symbolizing purity and sacredness.

Somali Unisex Names

DayaxMoon, symbolizing light and beauty.
FilsanThe best of her/his age, symbolizing excellence.
GuledVictory after a long struggle, symbolizing triumph.
IimaanFaith, symbolizing belief and trust.
JiinowSymbolizing simplicity or beauty.

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