Tumbuka Baby Names (List of Tumbuka Names) With Meanings

Tumbuka names are meaningful and come from the Tumbuka people of Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania. These names often express emotions, gratitude, or prayers. Below is a list of beautiful Tumbuka names for boys, girls, and unisex options, each with meaning.

Tumbuka Baby Names (List of Tumbuka Names)

List of Tumbuka Names Girl

BafiskeLet them do as they please.
BalijekwaoThey have no home.
BayenkhuWhere will they go?
DambuzghoTroublesome, often given to babies whose mothers were unwell during pregnancy.
PasipaoTheir ground, earth, often given after repeated deaths in the family.
PayekhaHe/She is alone.
SangawakaTo easily find.
SekelelaniBe happy, boisterous, or laugh.
TendelechiWhat should we walk for?
ToweraBeauty or beautiful, traditionally given after the death of a preceding sibling.
UlunjiRighteousness or justice.
WalikoGod is there.
WatipasoHe (God) has given us again.
YapungaWind; bringing people together.

List of Tumbuka Names for Boy

ChawanangwaBlessing or gift.
ChibinkheThe dark (coloured) one.
ChibvwimboBird’s nest, implying hard work or shelter.
ChithuziShadow or picture, often given after repeated deaths in the family.
FwasaTo be calm.
JileleRear yourself or be self-reliant.
KamkhwalaOf medicine or herbs.
KamoyoLife, often given to babies born prematurely.
MsimukoCrossing over.
PanjiMaybe, given after the death of the firstborn to signify hope.
PatukananiPart from one another.
SambazyaTo enrich or become rich.
TanguFirst, usually given to the firstborn of twins.

Tumbuka Names For Unisex

ChapasiEarth, dirt, belongs to earth; often given after other children in the family have died.
ChimikaTo stop, halt, or prevent; refers to traditional medicine used to prevent miscarriages.
Chosaning’omaRemove bad things.
DindiGrave; often given after the deaths of previous siblings in infancy.
DizghaTo be quiet.
DumisaPraise, worship, or thank you.
FwasaniTo be calm.
IsazoVariant of Izaso.
IzasoCome again, return; a plea for deceased relatives to come back.
KondananiLove one another.
SambazyaTo enrich or become rich.
SekelelaniBe happy, boisterous, or laugh.
SunganiCustodian or keeper.
TamanyachiHow can we know the future?
ToweraBeauty or beautiful; traditionally given after the death of a preceding sibling.
UlunjiRighteousness or justice.
WalikoGod is there.
WatipasoHe (God) has given us again.

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