200+ Top Oromo Names and Their Meanings

Oromo names are widely used among the Oromo people, one of the largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The Oromo people primarily inhabit the Horn of Africa, with the majority residing in Ethiopia.

Oromo names often reflect the values, traditions, and aspirations of the community. The names can be derived from various sources, including the Oromo language, and often carry a sense of pride and identity.

Overall, Oromo names are not just identifiers; they are an integral part of the Oromo cultural heritage. Representing identity, connection to heritage, and the values that guide everyday life in the Oromo community.

Oromo Names and Their Meanings

100+ Oromo Names for Boy With Meanings

AbdiiOne with hope.
AraaraPeaceful or to reconcile.
AraarsoPeaceful or to reconcile.
AraarsaPeaceful or to reconcile.
BaatiThe moon which symbolizes guidance and strength.
Badessa(No description provided)
BakkalchaA full moon which symbolizes strength and luminosity.
Bareentuma/oAccording to historical tradition, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His youngest son’s name was Bareentuma.
BeekanOne who is known.
BiifleeYoung and quick of mind (this name can be for both girls and boys).
Billisaa(No description provided)
BiqileeTo grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential.
BiqilsanTo grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential.
BiqilanTo grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential.
Birkii(No description provided)
BirmajjiAn important name in the history of the Gadaa (Oromo democratic system) tradition.
BirraaSpring season which symbolizes blooming, growing, etc.
BirrissaOne who is fast as lightning.
BiyyaaHome or homeland which symbolizes “home is where the heart is”.
BiyyooHome or homeland which symbolizes “home is where the heart is”.
BohaarsaOne who is very entertaining.
BonaSummer season which symbolizes joy and happiness.
BoonaOne who is proud.
BooranaAccording to historical tradition, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His oldest son’s name was Boorana.
BulluqThe name given to the Odaa (Sycamore) tree which where Oromos traditionally come together.
BultumThe name given to the Odaa (Sycamore) tree which where Oromos traditionally come together.
CaalaThe cream of the crop or naturally the best of the best.
CaalsanThe cream of the crop or naturally the best of the best.
DagaOne who never forgets.
DansaGood hearted and joyful.
DaraaraOne that grows, blooms, and reaches their full potential.
DaraaranOne that grows, blooms, and reaches their full potential.
Demiksa(No description provided)
DhugaaOne who is honest and truthful.
DhugoomsOne who is honest and truthful.
Diinqan(No description provided)
Diinqatan(No description provided)
Diinqu(No description provided)
DureessaThe one who leads.
Eba(No description provided)
EebbisanOne who is blessed.
EeybanOne who is blessed.
ElemoA hero of the Oromos.
FaarsiOne who is loved.
FaarsanOne who is loved.
FaayameOne made beautiful by the Almighty.
FalmaOne who fights for the truth, an honest being.
FalmataOne who fights for the truth, an honest being.
FayyisaaOne who is healthy and lives a long life.
FileeraOne who is chosen. The chosen one.
FiromsaaOne who is relatable and easy to get close to.
GadaaLeadership or the Oromo democratic form of governance.
GalaanThe river, which symbolizes bounty and fulfillment.
GalataaOne who is thankful.
GalmaOne who unifies or gathers all together.
GammachuJoy, happiness.
GammadaOne who is happy.
GamedaOne who is happy.
GaraakooThe stomach, which according to Oromo tradition symbolizes the heart.
GootaOne who symbolizes heroism.
GuddataaOne who grows.
Gudina(No description provided)
Gulantaa(No description provided)
HamilanTo be morally positive.
HamiltanTo be morally positive.
HamileeTo be morally positive.
HarxummaaA historically known place in the northern part of Oromia.
Hayyuu(No description provided)
HeeranOne who is polite, elegant, gentle and conducts his affairs properly.
HegereeOne who has a good future ahead of them.
Hirba(No description provided)
HoroOne who will multiply, symbolizes fertility.
HumnaaOne who espouses strength and bravery.
HundeeSymbolizes the importance of strong roots.
IbsaaOne who is bright.
IfaaLuminosity, light, or what shines in nature.
InjifannooOne who has won.
IrbuuOne who promises. This is held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.
IrreeCourageous and resilient.
JalatanOne who is loved.
JeynaOne who is strong physically and mentally.
Ji’aaThe moon which symbolizes guidance and strength.
JiraanneOne with longevity or long life.
JiraaOne with longevity or long life.
Jirata(No description provided)
KiyyaaMine – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation.
KeeysanYours – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation.
KenyaOurs – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation.
KumaaolOne who has it all or to be more than abundant.
KumalaaOne who has it all or to be more than abundant.
KumaaOne who has it all or to be more than abundant.
Labuu(No description provided)
LeellisaaOne who shines bright.
LeencaLion which symbolizes strength and never giving up.
LenchoLion which symbolizes strength and never giving up.
LubbukooMy soul.
MagariisaGreen which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.
MagarrooGreen which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.
MagarsaaOne who is prosperous and growing.
MelbaaAn important name in Gadaa (Oromo democratic system) history.
MeyraaGreen which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.
Meiga(No description provided)
MiidhagsanOne who looks good, handsome.
MilkiiOne who is successful.
MilkeeyssaOne who is successful.
MirqaananOne who is always cheerful.
MohanneOne who is victorious.
MootiThe king or royalty.
MotiThe king or royalty.
MurtiOne who is decisive.
MurteessaOne who is decisive.
NabeeA name given to the Odaa (sycamore) tree, which symbolizes the place where Oromos traditionally gathered.
Naa’ifThe light for me.
NandaginForget me not as I shall remember you too.
Neissa(No description provided)
Negasu(No description provided)
ObsaaOne who is patient.
ObsanOne who is patient.
ObsaOne who is patient.
ObsiOne who is patient.
QalbisaanOne who is thoughtful.
QeeroTiger which symbolizes youth and speed.
RaasaaOpen space which symbolizes one with an open heart and mind.
RabbirraOne chosen by God.
RabbiiOne chosen by God.
RisaaEagle which symbolizes great eyesight and one who can build a future.
RoobaRain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.
RoobsanRain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.
RoobeRain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.
RoobeeraRain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.
Sadoo(No description provided)
SiindaguForget me not as I shall remember you too.
SiinmaleeTo live without them is impossible.
SirreessaOne who sets things right.
SirreessanOne to set things right.
Sooran(No description provided)
Soora(No description provided)
Soori(No description provided)
Tarsiimoo(No description provided)
TolfameeOne who was created by God.
Tolessa(No description provided)
Tujii(No description provided)
Waaran(No description provided)
WaaqarraOne chosen by God.
WaaqaOne chosen by God.
WakaSupreme God.
Waari(No description provided)
Waario(No description provided)
Waysira(No description provided)
Yadeta(No description provided)

100+ Oromo Names for Girl With The Meaning

AansiOne who is close to you.
AbadanOne who is never without you.
AnnaneeMilk which is valued highly in Oromo tradition.
AraariOne who brings peace and is at peace.
ArkaniOne who can be seen from far.
AtinaafYou belong to me.
AyyantuOne who is always fortunate/lucky.
BaatiMoon which symbolizes luminosity or being bright.
BifaniOne that is beautiful.
BiftuSunshine which symbolizes shining naturally bright.
BiifleeOne with a quick mind and youthful.
BililleeAccording to Oromo history, it is the name of a beautiful Oromo woman who once lived.
BiqiltuuOne who grows from strong roots to the height of their potential.
BirilleeThe center point of a bright light which symbolizes significance and rarity.
BoharsituOne who brings joy and entertainment.
BoonsineOne who is proud and is a pride to others.
BoonaniOne who is proud and is a pride to others.
BoontuOne who is proud and is a pride to others.
BooniOne who is proud and is a pride to others.
BooneOne who is proud and is a pride to others.
BoonsituOne who is proud and is a pride to others.
BosoneeRainforest which symbolizes strong roots and abundance.
CaaltuBeing the best of the best.
ChaaltuBeing the best of the best.
CaaliBeing the best of the best.
ChaaliBeing the best of the best.
DagaleeThe bond that unites.
DansituOne that is joyful and pleasant to be with.
DansooleOne that is joyful and pleasant to be with.
DinqiiOne who is amazing.
DinqiseeOne who is amazing.
DinqisiiftuOne who is amazing.
DumbusheeOne who is adorable or cute.
DureettiOne who is wealthy.
DursineeOne who is always first.
EebbiseeOne who is blessed.
ElellaanDecorative shells used traditionally by Oromo’s, symbolizes beauty.
FaantoliOne who has a happy life ahead of them.
FaayaArtistically exquisite beauty.
FaayoArtistically exquisite beauty.
FaayaniArtistically exquisite beauty.
FayyiseeOne with long life or longevity.
FeenetOne who is liked.
FeenanOne who is liked.
FilanThe chosen one.
FileeraThe chosen one.
FiraanbooniOne who is proud of their family.
GaraatooStomach which symbolizes the heart in the Oromo language.
GoobaneMoon shaped symbolizing strength and guidance.
HawwiTo wish, wishful thinking, wishing.
HawwaniTo wish, wishful thinking, wishing.
HawwineetTo wish, wishful thinking, wishing.
HawwineeTo wish, wishful thinking, wishing.
HawwinaanTo wish, wishful thinking, wishing.
IfaniiOne who illuminates brightly.
IftuOne who shines brightly.
IjakooMy eye, my everything.
JaalataniOne who is loved.
JaalanneOne who is loving.
JeeynittiOne who is heroic.
JiruuMeaning life or my life.
KookeetiWhat is mine is yours.
KullaniA unique plant that is traditionally important for Oromo’s.
KuulleA unique plant that is traditionally important for Oromo’s.
KumiiOne that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance.
KumeeOne that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance.
KumaleeOne that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance.
LagashanName given to a river in Oromia.
LalistuA musical and joyful person.
LeellisanA musical and joyful person.
LelliseeA musical and joyful person.
LammiOne who belongs.
LaancaaLong grass, symbolizing strong roots and growth.
LeellooSomething special that is admired.
LeensaOne who is always seen.
LubbuuOne who is heartfelt and soulful.
MaashooA type of light that is held with high esteem within Oromo culture, it also symbolizes guidance and luminosity.
MadaalanOne who is unique or specific.
MagalleDark brown or black which is a highly prized skin tone in Oromo culture.
MarsaniOne who will always be around and is protective.
MeetoAccording to Oromo tradition, Oromo had two sons Boorana and Bareentuma, their mothers name was Meeto.
Mi’eessanOne who is endearing or sweet.
MiyeessanOne who is endearing or sweet.
MidhaayduOne who is beautiful.
Mii’oytuuOne who exudes innocence and is sweet.
Mii’aOne who exudes innocence and is sweet.
MijuuOromo cultural milk drink that is prepared and drank during weddings.
MirkaniiOne who has confidence in themselves.
MirkaneeysanOne who has confidence in themselves.
MirqeeOne that is full of energy and pleasant to be with.
MirqaniOne that is full of energy and pleasant to be with.
NaaduraMeaning: you are my first.
NaafaayeMeaning: you were created beautifully for me.
NaafiBelonging to me.
NaafisYou belong to me.
NaalubbuMy soul.
NaanaatiOne who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all.
NaanahiOne who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all.
NaanahanOne who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all.
NaannooyyeA cultural Oromo hairstyle given to girls of a certain age.
NaasabbataYou are my sabbatta (a traditional belt worn by Oromo women) which symbolizes the bond of mother and child.
Naasi’uumeYou were made for me.
NaasihiYou and I together make one.
NaataateShe belongs to me and is ideal for me.
NabiraYou are close to me.
NaantiYou are close to me.
NadhiiThe reason honey is sweet.
OnneetooThe dearest one to me, my heart and love.
QalbiseeOne who is careful and alert.
QananiiOne who is prized highly and cared for.
QanxuuOne who is playful yet to the point.
QantuuOne who is playful yet to the point.
SifileI chose you.
SinaafI belong to you.

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