Oromo names are widely used among the Oromo people, one of the largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The Oromo people primarily inhabit the Horn of Africa, with the majority residing in Ethiopia.
Oromo names often reflect the values, traditions, and aspirations of the community. The names can be derived from various sources, including the Oromo language, and often carry a sense of pride and identity.
Overall, Oromo names are not just identifiers; they are an integral part of the Oromo cultural heritage. Representing identity, connection to heritage, and the values that guide everyday life in the Oromo community.
Oromo Names and Their Meanings
100+ Oromo Names for Boy With Meanings
Name | Meanings |
Abdii | One with hope. |
Araara | Peaceful or to reconcile. |
Araarso | Peaceful or to reconcile. |
Araarsa | Peaceful or to reconcile. |
Baati | The moon which symbolizes guidance and strength. |
Badessa | (No description provided) |
Bakkalcha | A full moon which symbolizes strength and luminosity. |
Bareentuma/o | According to historical tradition, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His youngest son’s name was Bareentuma. |
Beekan | One who is known. |
Biiflee | Young and quick of mind (this name can be for both girls and boys). |
Billisaa | (No description provided) |
Biqilee | To grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential. |
Biqilsan | To grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential. |
Biqilan | To grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential. |
Birkii | (No description provided) |
Birmajji | An important name in the history of the Gadaa (Oromo democratic system) tradition. |
Birraa | Spring season which symbolizes blooming, growing, etc. |
Birrissa | One who is fast as lightning. |
Biyyaa | Home or homeland which symbolizes “home is where the heart is”. |
Biyyoo | Home or homeland which symbolizes “home is where the heart is”. |
Bohaarsa | One who is very entertaining. |
Bona | Summer season which symbolizes joy and happiness. |
Boona | One who is proud. |
Boorana | According to historical tradition, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His oldest son’s name was Boorana. |
Bulluq | The name given to the Odaa (Sycamore) tree which where Oromos traditionally come together. |
Bultum | The name given to the Odaa (Sycamore) tree which where Oromos traditionally come together. |
Caala | The cream of the crop or naturally the best of the best. |
Caalsan | The cream of the crop or naturally the best of the best. |
Daga | One who never forgets. |
Dansa | Good hearted and joyful. |
Daraara | One that grows, blooms, and reaches their full potential. |
Daraaran | One that grows, blooms, and reaches their full potential. |
Demiksa | (No description provided) |
Dhugaa | One who is honest and truthful. |
Dhugooms | One who is honest and truthful. |
Diinqan | (No description provided) |
Diinqatan | (No description provided) |
Diinqu | (No description provided) |
Dureessa | The one who leads. |
Eba | (No description provided) |
Eebbisan | One who is blessed. |
Eeyban | One who is blessed. |
Elemo | A hero of the Oromos. |
Faarsi | One who is loved. |
Faarsan | One who is loved. |
Faayame | One made beautiful by the Almighty. |
Falma | One who fights for the truth, an honest being. |
Falmata | One who fights for the truth, an honest being. |
Fayyisaa | One who is healthy and lives a long life. |
Fileera | One who is chosen. The chosen one. |
Firomsaa | One who is relatable and easy to get close to. |
Gadaa | Leadership or the Oromo democratic form of governance. |
Galaan | The river, which symbolizes bounty and fulfillment. |
Galataa | One who is thankful. |
Galma | One who unifies or gathers all together. |
Gammachu | Joy, happiness. |
Gammada | One who is happy. |
Gameda | One who is happy. |
Garaakoo | The stomach, which according to Oromo tradition symbolizes the heart. |
Goota | One who symbolizes heroism. |
Guddataa | One who grows. |
Gudina | (No description provided) |
Gulantaa | (No description provided) |
Hamilan | To be morally positive. |
Hamiltan | To be morally positive. |
Hamilee | To be morally positive. |
Harxummaa | A historically known place in the northern part of Oromia. |
Hayyuu | (No description provided) |
Heeran | One who is polite, elegant, gentle and conducts his affairs properly. |
Hegeree | One who has a good future ahead of them. |
Hirba | (No description provided) |
Horo | One who will multiply, symbolizes fertility. |
Humnaa | One who espouses strength and bravery. |
Hundee | Symbolizes the importance of strong roots. |
Ibsaa | One who is bright. |
Ifaa | Luminosity, light, or what shines in nature. |
Injifannoo | One who has won. |
Irbuu | One who promises. This is held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition. |
Irree | Courageous and resilient. |
Jalatan | One who is loved. |
Jeyna | One who is strong physically and mentally. |
Ji’aa | The moon which symbolizes guidance and strength. |
Jiraanne | One with longevity or long life. |
Jiraa | One with longevity or long life. |
Jirata | (No description provided) |
Kiyyaa | Mine – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation. |
Keeysan | Yours – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation. |
Kenya | Ours – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation. |
Kumaaol | One who has it all or to be more than abundant. |
Kumalaa | One who has it all or to be more than abundant. |
Kumaa | One who has it all or to be more than abundant. |
Labuu | (No description provided) |
Leellisaa | One who shines bright. |
Leenca | Lion which symbolizes strength and never giving up. |
Lencho | Lion which symbolizes strength and never giving up. |
Lubbukoo | My soul. |
Magariisa | Green which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition. |
Magarroo | Green which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition. |
Magarsaa | One who is prosperous and growing. |
Melbaa | An important name in Gadaa (Oromo democratic system) history. |
Meyraa | Green which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition. |
Meiga | (No description provided) |
Miidhagsan | One who looks good, handsome. |
Milkii | One who is successful. |
Milkeeyssa | One who is successful. |
Mirqaanan | One who is always cheerful. |
Mohanne | One who is victorious. |
Mooti | The king or royalty. |
Moti | The king or royalty. |
Murti | One who is decisive. |
Murteessa | One who is decisive. |
Nabee | A name given to the Odaa (sycamore) tree, which symbolizes the place where Oromos traditionally gathered. |
Naa’if | The light for me. |
Nandagin | Forget me not as I shall remember you too. |
Neissa | (No description provided) |
Negasu | (No description provided) |
Obsaa | One who is patient. |
Obsan | One who is patient. |
Obsa | One who is patient. |
Obsi | One who is patient. |
Qalbisaan | One who is thoughtful. |
Qeero | Tiger which symbolizes youth and speed. |
Raasaa | Open space which symbolizes one with an open heart and mind. |
Rabbirra | One chosen by God. |
Rabbii | One chosen by God. |
Risaa | Eagle which symbolizes great eyesight and one who can build a future. |
Rooba | Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth. |
Roobsan | Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth. |
Roobe | Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth. |
Roobeera | Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth. |
Sadoo | (No description provided) |
Siindagu | Forget me not as I shall remember you too. |
Siinmalee | To live without them is impossible. |
Sirreessa | One who sets things right. |
Sirreessan | One to set things right. |
Sooran | (No description provided) |
Soora | (No description provided) |
Soori | (No description provided) |
Tarsiimoo | (No description provided) |
Tolfamee | One who was created by God. |
Tolessa | (No description provided) |
Tujii | (No description provided) |
Waaran | (No description provided) |
Waaqarra | One chosen by God. |
Waaqa | One chosen by God. |
Waka | Supreme God. |
Waari | (No description provided) |
Waario | (No description provided) |
Waysira | (No description provided) |
Yadeta | (No description provided) |
100+ Oromo Names for Girl With The Meaning
Name | Meaning/Description |
Aansi | One who is close to you. |
Abadan | One who is never without you. |
Annanee | Milk which is valued highly in Oromo tradition. |
Amene | |
Araari | One who brings peace and is at peace. |
Arkani | One who can be seen from far. |
Atinaaf | You belong to me. |
Ayyantu | One who is always fortunate/lucky. |
Baati | Moon which symbolizes luminosity or being bright. |
Bayssa | |
Bifani | One that is beautiful. |
Biftu | Sunshine which symbolizes shining naturally bright. |
Biiflee | One with a quick mind and youthful. |
Bilillee | According to Oromo history, it is the name of a beautiful Oromo woman who once lived. |
Bilisee | Freedom. |
Biqiltuu | One who grows from strong roots to the height of their potential. |
Bikeltu | |
Birillee | The center point of a bright light which symbolizes significance and rarity. |
Boharsitu | One who brings joy and entertainment. |
Boonsine | One who is proud and is a pride to others. |
Boonani | One who is proud and is a pride to others. |
Boontu | One who is proud and is a pride to others. |
Booni | One who is proud and is a pride to others. |
Boone | One who is proud and is a pride to others. |
Boonsitu | One who is proud and is a pride to others. |
Bosonee | Rainforest which symbolizes strong roots and abundance. |
Caaltu | Being the best of the best. |
Chaaltu | Being the best of the best. |
Caali | Being the best of the best. |
Chaali | Being the best of the best. |
Calalaqii | |
Calaqsan | |
Carraa | |
Charraa | |
Dagalee | The bond that unites. |
Dansitu | One that is joyful and pleasant to be with. |
Dansoole | One that is joyful and pleasant to be with. |
Dawwi | Awe-inspiring. |
Dawwatan | Awe-inspiring. |
Dinqii | One who is amazing. |
Dinqisee | One who is amazing. |
Dinqisiiftu | One who is amazing. |
Dirribe | |
Dumbushee | One who is adorable or cute. |
Dureetti | One who is wealthy. |
Dursinee | One who is always first. |
Eebbisee | One who is blessed. |
Elellaan | Decorative shells used traditionally by Oromo’s, symbolizes beauty. |
Faantoli | One who has a happy life ahead of them. |
Faaya | Artistically exquisite beauty. |
Faayo | Artistically exquisite beauty. |
Faayani | Artistically exquisite beauty. |
Fayyisee | One with long life or longevity. |
Feenet | One who is liked. |
Feenan | One who is liked. |
File | Chosen. |
Filan | The chosen one. |
Fileera | The chosen one. |
Firaanbooni | One who is proud of their family. |
Gadisse | |
Garaatoo | Stomach which symbolizes the heart in the Oromo language. |
Goobane | Moon shaped symbolizing strength and guidance. |
Gudetu | |
Hawwi | To wish, wishful thinking, wishing. |
Hawwani | To wish, wishful thinking, wishing. |
Hawwineet | To wish, wishful thinking, wishing. |
Hawwinee | To wish, wishful thinking, wishing. |
Hawwinaan | To wish, wishful thinking, wishing. |
Hilani | |
Hiree | |
Ifanii | One who illuminates brightly. |
Iftu | One who shines brightly. |
Ijakoo | My eye, my everything. |
Jaalatani | One who is loved. |
Jaalanne | One who is loving. |
Jeeynitti | One who is heroic. |
Jiruu | Meaning life or my life. |
Kookeeti | What is mine is yours. |
Kullani | A unique plant that is traditionally important for Oromo’s. |
Kuulle | A unique plant that is traditionally important for Oromo’s. |
Kumii | One that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance. |
Kumee | One that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance. |
Kumalee | One that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance. |
Lagashan | Name given to a river in Oromia. |
Lalistu | A musical and joyful person. |
Leellisan | A musical and joyful person. |
Lellisee | A musical and joyful person. |
Lammi | One who belongs. |
Laancaa | Long grass, symbolizing strong roots and growth. |
Leelloo | Something special that is admired. |
Leensa | One who is always seen. |
Lubbuu | One who is heartfelt and soulful. |
Maashoo | A type of light that is held with high esteem within Oromo culture, it also symbolizes guidance and luminosity. |
Madaalan | One who is unique or specific. |
Magalle | Dark brown or black which is a highly prized skin tone in Oromo culture. |
Marsani | One who will always be around and is protective. |
Meeto | According to Oromo tradition, Oromo had two sons Boorana and Bareentuma, their mothers name was Meeto. |
Meetti | |
Mi’eessan | One who is endearing or sweet. |
Miyeessan | One who is endearing or sweet. |
Midhaaydu | One who is beautiful. |
Migritu | |
Mii’oytuu | One who exudes innocence and is sweet. |
Mii’a | One who exudes innocence and is sweet. |
Mijuu | Oromo cultural milk drink that is prepared and drank during weddings. |
Mirkanii | One who has confidence in themselves. |
Mirkaneeysan | One who has confidence in themselves. |
Mirqee | One that is full of energy and pleasant to be with. |
Mirqani | One that is full of energy and pleasant to be with. |
Mona | |
Momina | |
Naadura | Meaning: you are my first. |
Naafaaye | Meaning: you were created beautifully for me. |
Naafi | Belonging to me. |
Naafis | You belong to me. |
Naahili | |
Naalubbu | My soul. |
Naanaati | One who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all. |
Naanahi | One who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all. |
Naanahan | One who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all. |
Naannooyye | A cultural Oromo hairstyle given to girls of a certain age. |
Naasabbata | You are my sabbatta (a traditional belt worn by Oromo women) which symbolizes the bond of mother and child. |
Naasi’uume | You were made for me. |
Naasihi | You and I together make one. |
Naataate | She belongs to me and is ideal for me. |
Nabira | You are close to me. |
Naanti | You are close to me. |
Nadhii | The reason honey is sweet. |
Nalaali | |
Nadawwii | |
Nehi | |
Onneetoo | The dearest one to me, my heart and love. |
Qalbisee | One who is careful and alert. |
Qananii | One who is prized highly and cared for. |
Qanxuu | One who is playful yet to the point. |
Qantuu | One who is playful yet to the point. |
Sifile | I chose you. |
Sinaaf | I belong to you. |
Temara | |
Warke |
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