101 Islamic Baby Boy Names From Quran

By Stephen Daniel

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Discover a curated list of meaningful Islamic baby boy names from Quran. Explore names with beautiful meanings and Quranic sources, including Ahmad, Ibrahim, Musa, and many more. Find the perfect name that reflects faith, heritage, and virtue for your newborn.

Islamic Baby Boy Names From Quran

Top Islamic Baby Boy Names From Holy Quran

  1. Ahmad
    Quranic Source: Quran 61:6
    Meaning: Highly praised
    Description: Ahmad is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad and signifies someone who is highly praised.
  2. Ali
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:247
    Meaning: High, exalted
    Description: Ali is a name that denotes someone of high status or exaltation, often associated with honor and leadership in Islamic tradition.
  3. Amin
    Quranic Source: Quran 12:41
    Meaning: Trustworthy, faithful
    Description: Amin represents a person who is trustworthy and faithful, embodying integrity and reliability.
  4. Ayyub
    Quranic Source: Quran 38:41
    Meaning: To return to God, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Ayyub is the Arabic name for the Prophet Job, known for his patience and steadfastness in the face of trials.
  5. Ibrahim
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:124
    Meaning: Intimate friend, father of multitude
    Description: Ibrahim, or Abraham, is a key figure in Islam, revered as a prophet and patriarch, symbolizing faith and dedication to God.
  6. Ismail
    Quranic Source: Quran 37:101
    Meaning: God hears
    Description: Ismail, or Ishmael, is a prophet in Islam known for his obedience to God, and his name reflects the belief that God hears the prayers of His servants.
  7. Ishaq
    Quranic Source: Quran 11:71
    Meaning: Laughter, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Ishaq, or Isaac, is a prophet whose name means laughter, reflecting the joy and blessings he brought to his parents in their old age.
  8. Musa
    Quranic Source: Quran 28:7
    Meaning: Saved, savior, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Musa, or Moses, is a central figure in Islam, known for leading the Israelites out of Egypt and receiving the Ten Commandments.
  9. Isa
    Quranic Source: Quran 3:45
    Meaning: Jesus, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Isa is the Islamic name for Jesus, regarded as a prophet and messenger who brought the Gospel to his people.
  10. Yusuf
    Quranic Source: Quran 12:6
    Meaning: God increases, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Yusuf, or Joseph, is known for his beauty, wisdom, and his rise from slavery to a high position in Egypt, symbolizing God’s favor and increase.
  11. Harun
    Quranic Source: Quran 20:25
    Meaning: Aaron, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Harun is the Arabic name for Aaron, the brother of Moses, known for his role as a prophet and his support in guiding the Israelites.
  12. Dawood
    Quranic Source: Quran 38:17
    Meaning: David, beloved friend
    Description: Dawood, or David, is a prophet in Islam known for his piety, kingship, and the Psalms, embodying the qualities of a beloved leader and friend.
  13. Zaid
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:37
    Meaning: Growth, abundance
    Description: Zaid is a name that signifies growth and abundance, reflecting prosperity and blessings.
  14. Zubair
    Quranic Source: Quran 58:8
    Meaning: Strong, powerful
    Description: Zubair denotes strength and power, often associated with courage and leadership.
  15. Hassan
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:130
    Meaning: Handsome, benefactor
    Description: Hassan is a name that reflects beauty and generosity, signifying someone who is both handsome and kind.
  16. Husayn
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:33
    Meaning: Handsome
    Description: Husayn is a name that means handsome, often associated with nobility and grace.
  17. Rashid
    Quranic Source: Quran 76:4
    Meaning: Rightly guided
    Description: Rashid refers to someone who is rightly guided, embodying wisdom and righteousness.
  18. Adeel
    Quranic Source: Quran 4:58
    Meaning: Just
    Description: Adeel signifies fairness and justice, reflecting someone who upholds equity and righteousness.
  19. Yahya
    Quranic Source: Quran 19:7
    Meaning: John, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Yahya, or John the Baptist, is a prophet in Islam known for his piety and his role in preparing the way for Jesus.
  20. Luqman
    Quranic Source: Quran 31:12
    Meaning: Wise
    Description: Luqman is known for his wisdom, often depicted as a sage who imparts valuable life lessons to his son.
  21. Jibril
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:97
    Meaning: Gabriel, angel
    Description: Jibril is the Arabic name for the angel Gabriel, who is revered as the messenger of God, delivering divine revelations to the prophets.
  22. Mikhail
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:98
    Meaning: Michael, angel
    Description: Mikhail is the Arabic name for the angel Michael, known for his role in providing sustenance and protection to God’s creatures.
  23. Ilyas
    Quranic Source: Quran 37:123
    Meaning: Elias, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Ilyas, or Elijah, is a prophet known for his steadfast faith and his opposition to idolatry.
  24. Fadil
    Quranic Source: Quran 55:13
    Description: Fadil represents virtue and excellence, embodying moral integrity and high character.
  25. Suleiman
    Quranic Source: Quran 27:40
    Meaning: Solomon, a Prophet’s name
    Description: Suleiman, or Solomon, is a prophet known for his wisdom, wealth, and control over the natural world, symbolizing divine favor and justice.
  26. Salih
    Quranic Source: Quran 11:32
    Meaning: Righteous, virtuous
    Description: Salih is a prophet known for his righteousness and his efforts to guide his people to the path of virtue.
  27. Aasim
    Quranic Source: Quran 8:30
    Meaning: Protector
    Description: Aasim denotes someone who is a protector, safeguarding others from harm and guiding them to safety.
  28. Khalid
    Quranic Source: Quran 9:100
    Meaning: Eternal, immortal
    Description: Khalid is a name that signifies eternity and immortality, often associated with strength and resilience.
  29. Mustafa
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:40
    Meaning: Chosen
    Description: Mustafa is a name that means “the chosen one,” often used to refer to the Prophet Muhammad, signifying his special status.
  30. Rami
    Quranic Source: Quran 8:17
    Meaning: Archer
    Description: Rami signifies an archer, representing precision, focus, and the ability to reach a target or goal.
  31. Amir
    Quranic Source: Quran 25:35
    Meaning: Prince, leader
    Description: Amir denotes someone in a position of authority, leadership, or royalty, symbolizing strength and governance.
  32. Hadi
    Quranic Source: Quran 10:25
    Meaning: Guide, leader
    Description: Hadi represents a person who guides others on the right path, embodying wisdom and leadership.
  33. Mujahid
    Quranic Source: Quran 29:69
    Meaning: One who strives
    Description: Mujahid is a person who strives or struggles in the path of God, reflecting dedication and perseverance.
  34. Jamal
    Quranic Source: Quran 95:1
    Meaning: Beauty
    Description: Jamal signifies beauty and grace, representing both physical and spiritual beauty.
  35. Moeed
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:279
    Meaning: Restorer
    Description: Moeed is someone who restores or brings back, symbolizing renewal and recovery.
  36. Mufeed
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:261
    Meaning: Beneficial
    Description: Mufeed represents something or someone beneficial, providing help or advantage to others.
  37. Munir
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:43
    Meaning: Luminous
    Description: Munir signifies someone who is luminous, shedding light and wisdom, often associated with enlightenment.
  38. Shakir
    Quranic Source: Quran 14:7
    Meaning: Thankful
    Description: Shakir is a person who is grateful and thankful, acknowledging and appreciating blessings.
  39. Amin
    Quranic Source: Quran 12:41
    Meaning: Trustworthy
    Description: Amin represents trustworthiness, embodying reliability and honesty.
  40. Nasser
    Quranic Source: Quran 48:1
    Meaning: Helper, supporter
    Description: Nasser is someone who helps or supports others, reflecting a role of assistance and backing.
  41. Sami
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:127
    Meaning: High, exalted
    Description: Sami signifies someone who is high and exalted, representing elevation in status or spirituality.
  42. Sabir
    Quranic Source: Quran 12:18
    Meaning: Patient
    Description: Sabir denotes patience, reflecting the virtue of enduring hardship and waiting calmly.
  43. Sadiq
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:24
    Meaning: Truthful
    Description: Sadiq represents honesty and truthfulness, someone who is sincere and speaks the truth.
  44. Rauf
    Quranic Source: Quran 9:117
    Meaning: Merciful
    Description: Rauf is someone who is merciful, embodying compassion and kindness towards others.
  45. Ghani
    Quranic Source: Quran 47:38
    Meaning: Rich, self-sufficient
    Description: Ghani signifies wealth and self-sufficiency, representing independence and abundance.
  46. Qasim
    Quranic Source: Quran 5:38
    Meaning: Distributor
    Description: Qasim is someone who distributes or divides, often associated with fairness and justice.
  47. Sulaiman
    Quranic Source: Quran 27:38
    Meaning: Solomon
    Description: Sulaiman, or Solomon, is a prophet known for his wisdom, wealth, and control over the natural world, symbolizing divine favor and justice.
  48. Talib
    Quranic Source: Quran 12:36
    Meaning: Seeker
    Description: Talib represents someone who seeks, often associated with the pursuit of knowledge or truth.
  49. Wali
    Quranic Source: Quran 5:55
    Meaning: Guardian, protector
    Description: Wali is someone who acts as a guardian or protector, providing care and guidance to others.
  50. Zakir
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:35
    Meaning: Rememberer
    Description: Zakir is someone who remembers, often associated with the remembrance of God and mindfulness.
  51. Zahir
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:13
    Meaning: Outward, apparent
    Description: Zahir signifies something that is outward or apparent, representing clarity and openness.
  52. Adil
    Quranic Source: Quran 4:58
    Meaning: Just, fair
    Description: Adil represents justice and fairness, embodying the principle of equality and righteousness.
  53. Kareem
    Quranic Source: Quran 82:6
    Meaning: Generous
    Description: Kareem signifies generosity, reflecting a person who is kind-hearted and gives freely.
  54. Latif
    Quranic Source: Quran 6:103
    Meaning: Gentle, kind
    Description: Latif represents gentleness and kindness, embodying a tender and compassionate nature.
  55. Mujtaba
    Quranic Source: Quran 3:33
    Meaning: Chosen
    Description: Mujtaba signifies someone who is chosen, often referring to a person selected for a special purpose or favor.
  56. Nabeel
    Quranic Source: Quran 95:1
    Meaning: Noble
    Description: Nabeel represents nobility, embodying qualities of honor, dignity, and high moral character.
  57. Qamar
    Quranic Source: Quran 54:1
    Meaning: Moon
    Description: Qamar signifies the moon, often associated with beauty, calmness, and illumination.
  58. Rashad
    Quranic Source: Quran 76:4
    Meaning: Right guidance
    Description: Rashad represents right guidance, embodying the principles of being correctly directed and following the right path.
  59. Sadiq
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:24
    Meaning: Honest
    Description: Sadiq is someone who is honest, reflecting sincerity, truthfulness, and integrity.
  60. Sajid
    Quranic Source: Quran 22:18
    Meaning: One who prostrates
    Description: Sajid signifies a person who prostrates in prayer, showing devotion and submission to God.
  61. Zaid
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:37
    Meaning: Increase
    Description: Zaid symbolizes growth, abundance, and increase, reflecting prosperity and success.
  62. Mazin
    Quranic Source: Quran 51:48
    Meaning: Clouds with rain
    Description: Mazin represents clouds that bring rain, symbolizing life-giving sustenance and mercy.
  63. Hisham
    Quranic Source: Quran 93:4
    Meaning: Generous
    Description: Hisham denotes generosity, reflecting a person who is kind and open-handed, sharing their wealth or resources with others.
  64. Jamal
    Quranic Source: Quran 95:1
    Meaning: Beauty
    Description: Jamal signifies beauty, representing both physical and spiritual elegance and grace.
  65. Abdullah
    Quranic Source: Quran 48:10
    Meaning: Servant of Allah
    Description: Abdullah reflects submission and devotion to God, embodying servitude and humility before the Creator.
  66. Mubarak
    Quranic Source: Quran 19:26
    Meaning: Blessed
    Description: Mubarak represents blessings and favor, indicating someone or something that is favored and endowed with divine goodness.
  67. Ameer
    Quranic Source: Quran 25:35
    Meaning: Leader
    Description: Ameer signifies leadership and authority, embodying qualities of command and governance.
  68. Bashir
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:119
    Meaning: Bringer of good news
    Description: Bashir represents someone who brings glad tidings, spreading joy and positive messages.
  69. Harith
    Quranic Source: Quran 50:38
    Meaning: Ploughman, cultivator
    Description: Harith symbolizes a person who works the land, representing diligence, hard work, and cultivation.
  70. Mazin
    Quranic Source: Quran 51:48
    Meaning: Proper name
    Description: Mazin as a proper name signifies identity and individual distinction, often associated with a unique or notable person.
  71. Samir
    Quranic Source: Quran 6:99
    Meaning: Entertainer
    Description: Samir signifies someone who entertains, often associated with storytelling, conversation, and bringing joy to others.
  72. Qays
    Quranic Source: Quran 56:26
    Meaning: Firm, steadfast
    Description: Qays represents firmness and steadfastness, symbolizing strength, determination, and resilience.
  73. Hadi
    Quranic Source: Quran 10:25
    Meaning: Guide
    Description: Hadi reflects the role of a guide or leader, someone who directs others towards the right path.
  74. Ihsan
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:195
    Meaning: Beneficence, kindness
    Description: Ihsan represents kindness, beneficence, and the act of doing good, embodying compassion and generosity.
  75. Ilyas
    Quranic Source: Quran 37:123
    Meaning: Elias
    Description: Ilyas, or Elias, is a prophet known for his steadfast faith, symbolizing divine favor and spiritual strength.
  76. Jabir
    Quranic Source: Quran 9:114
    Meaning: Comforter
    Description: Jabir signifies a person who provides comfort, solace, and support to those in distress.
  77. Faris
    Quranic Source: Quran 9:100
    Meaning: Knight
    Description: Faris symbolizes a knight or warrior, representing bravery, chivalry, and martial prowess.
  78. Wasiq
    Quranic Source: Quran 5:92
    Meaning: Confident
    Description: Wasiq denotes confidence and assurance, embodying certainty and trust in one’s abilities or beliefs.
  79. Tariq
    Quranic Source: Quran 86:1
    Meaning: Morning star
    Description: Tariq represents the morning star, symbolizing guidance, illumination, and the herald of a new beginning.
  80. Zayd
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:37
    Meaning: Increase, growth
    Description: Zayd signifies growth and abundance, reflecting prosperity, development, and flourishing.
  81. Jabir
    Quranic Source: Quran 9:114
    Meaning: One who consoles
    Description: Jabir, as one who consoles, reflects a person who offers comfort and relief to those in grief or distress.
  82. Khalil
    Quranic Source: Quran 4:125
    Meaning: Friend
    Description: Khalil represents friendship and close companionship, symbolizing loyalty, trust, and mutual affection.
  83. Mansoor
    Quranic Source: Quran 48:1
    Meaning: Victorious
    Description: Mansoor signifies victory and success, reflecting triumph over challenges and obstacles.
  84. Mazin
    Quranic Source: Quran 51:48
    Meaning: Proper name
    Description: Mazin as a proper name denotes individuality and uniqueness, often linked to a person of significance.
  85. Nabil
    Quranic Source: Quran 95:1
    Meaning: Noble
    Description: Nabil signifies nobility, embodying honor, dignity, and a high moral character.
  86. Rashid
    Quranic Source: Quran 76:4
    Meaning: Rightly guided
    Description: Rashid represents someone who is rightly guided, following the path of truth and righteousness.
  87. Zainul
    Quranic Source: Quran 95:1
    Meaning: Beauty of
    Description: Zainul represents the beauty of something or someone, embodying attractiveness and elegance.
  88. Zayd
    Quranic Source: Quran 33:37
    Meaning: Growth, abundance
    Description: Zayd symbolizes increase and abundance, reflecting prosperity, success, and flourishing.
  89. Ibraheem
    Quranic Source: Quran 2:124
    Meaning: Abraham
    Description: Ibraheem, or Abraham, is a prophet known for his unwavering faith and devotion, symbolizing spiritual strength and leadership.
  90. Isa
    Quranic Source: Quran 3:45
    Meaning: Jesus
    Description: Isa, or Jesus, is a prophet known for his compassion, teachings, and miraculous deeds, symbolizing mercy and divine favor.
  91. Nuh
    Quranic Source: Quran 71:1
    Meaning: Noah
    Description: Nuh, or Noah, is a prophet known for his steadfastness and obedience to God, symbolizing faith and perseverance.
  92. Zakariya
    Quranic Source: Quran 19:2
    Meaning: Zechariah
    Description: Zakariya, or Zechariah, is a prophet known for his piety and devotion, symbolizing prayer, patience, and divine blessing.
  93. Dawood
    Quranic Source: Quran 38:17
    Meaning: David
    Description: Dawood, or David, is a prophet and king known for his wisdom, courage, and leadership, symbolizing strength and divine favor.
  94. Yunus
    Quranic Source: Quran 37:139
    Meaning: Jonah
    Description: Yunus, or Jonah, is a prophet known for his story of perseverance and patience, symbolizing forgiveness and divine mercy.
  95. Mujahid
    Quranic Source: Quran 29:69
    Meaning: One who strives
    Description: Mujahid signifies a person who strives in the path of God, reflecting dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to righteousness.
  96. Yahya
    Quranic Source: Quran 19:7
    Meaning: John
    Description: Yahya, or John, is a prophet known for his purity, devoutness, and prophetic mission, symbolizing spiritual devotion and righteousness.
  97. Suleiman
    Quranic Source: Quran 27:40
    Meaning: Solomon
    Description: Suleiman, or Solomon, is a prophet known for his wisdom, wealth, and command over the natural world, symbolizing divine favor and justice.
  98. Asif
    Quranic Source: Quran 12:44
    Meaning: Forgiveness
    Description: Asif represents forgiveness, embodying mercy, pardon, and the act of absolving others of their wrongdoings.
  99. Ayub
    Quranic Source: Quran 38:41
    Meaning: Job
    Description: Ayub, or Job, is a prophet known for his patience and faith in the face of suffering, symbolizing endurance and unwavering trust in God.
  100. Idris
    Quranic Source: Quran 19:56
    Meaning: Enoch
    Description: Idris, or Enoch, is a prophet known for his piety and wisdom, symbolizing spiritual elevation and knowledge.
  101. Zain
    Quranic Source: Quran 95:1
    Meaning: Beauty
    Description: Zain represents beauty, both physical and spiritual, reflecting elegance, grace, and attractiveness.

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