Top 100 Muslim girls names uncommon

Top 100 Muslim girls names uncommon: If you’re looking for uncommon and beautiful names for a baby girl, you’ve come to the right place. Below, you will find a curated list of 100 uncommon Muslim girls’ names, each with its own special meaning. These names not only reflect cultural heritage but also carry beautiful and positive connotations.

Explore these unique Top 100 Muslim girls names to find the perfect one for your little girl!

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Top 100 Muslim girls names uncommon | Top 100 Muslim girls names

Sl. No.NameMeaning
1AafiyaHealth, free from illness
2AaliyahExalted, high-ranking
3AasiraCaptivating, enchanting
4AdaraVirgin, pure
5AishaAlive, living
6AmaniWishes, aspirations
7AnisaFriendly, companion
8ArishaHighness, heaven
9AsmaLofty, high
10AydaReward, benefit
11AzizaEsteemed, beloved
12DaliaBranch, tender or graceful
13DaniyaClose, near
14EidahFestivity, celebration
15ElinaIntelligent, bright
16FadilaVirtuous, superior
17FarihaHappy, joyful
18HadiyaGuide to righteousness
19HanaHappiness, bliss
20InayaConcern, care
21IraWatchful, alert
22JanaParadise, garden
23JannahHeaven, paradise
24KhalidaEternal, everlasting
25LaylaNight, dark beauty
26MadihaPraiseworthy, commendable
27MariamBeloved, sea of bitterness
28MayaIllusion, water
29NabilaNoble, honorable
30NadiaCaller, announcer
31NaimaComfort, tranquility
32NuraLight, radiant
33RaniaQueenly, gazing
34RuqayyaGentle, soft
35SabahMorning, dawn
36SaharDawn, early morning
37SanaRadiance, brilliance
38SafaPurity, clarity
39SamiraCompanion in evening conversation
40SawsanLily of the valley
41ShirinSweet, pleasant
42SuhaylaStar, the name of a star constellation
43SukaynaCalm, peaceful
44TariqaPath, way
45TasneemA spring in paradise
46WafaLoyalty, faithfulness
47YaraLittle butterfly
48YasminJasmine flower
49ZahraRadiant, blooming
50ZainaBeauty, adornment
51ZaraPrincess, flower
52ZubariGood behavior, righteousness
53ZiyaLight, glow
54AashnaBeloved, dear
55AilaNoble, exalted
56AmeenahTrustworthy, faithful
57AreebaWise, intelligent
58AsiyaSupporter, one who tends to others
60DinaReligion, faith
62FarihaHappy, joyful
63FatimaOne who abstains
64HafsaCub, young lion
65HaniyaHappy, delighted
67HumaMythical bird of paradise
68ImanFaith, belief
69KhadijaEarly baby, first wife of Prophet Muhammad
70LamiaRadiant, shining
71MahaOryx, wild cow
73MaryamBeloved, sea of bitterness
74NadiraRare, precious
75NailahAchiever, successful
76NimaGift, blessing
77RidaContentment, satisfaction
78RuqayyahGentle, soft
79SariNoble, highborn
80SirinJoyful, pleasant
81TariqMorning star, path
82ZaynaBeauty, adornment
83ZehraBright, blooming
84ZinniaA flower name
85ZoyaLife, love
86ZuleikaFair, lovely
87AmaniWishes, aspirations
88AzizaEsteemed, beloved
89FadilaVirtuous, superior
90HadiyaGuide to righteousness
91HanaHappiness, bliss
92InayaConcern, care
93JanaParadise, garden
94JannahHeaven, paradise
95KhalidaEternal, everlasting
96LaylaNight, dark beauty
97MadihaPraiseworthy, commendable
98MariamBeloved, sea of bitterness
99MayaIllusion, water
100NabilaNoble, honorable

Read also : 55 Names of Holy Quran in Arabic Girl

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