300+ Attractive C Letter Names for Boy Hindu

By Stephen Daniel

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Choosing a meaningful name for your baby boy is a special decision for every parent. For those seeking C Letter Names for Boy Hindu, this list offers a blend of traditional and modern options with rich meanings rooted in Hindu culture and heritage.

A to Z Hindu Baby Boy Names

C Letter Names for Boy Hindu Modern

ChaitanyaConsciousnessRepresents spiritual awareness and vitality.
ChetanSpirit, SoulSymbolizes consciousness and life force.
ChiragLamp, LightSignifies illumination and guidance.
ChirantanEternalRepresents something that lasts forever.
ChinmayBlissfulSymbolizes joy and inner happiness.
ChirayuLong LifeRepresents longevity and good health.
CharitGood ConductSignifies a noble and virtuous nature.
ChandranMoonSymbolizes calmness and serenity.
ChaitalOne Who KnowsRepresents knowledge and wisdom.
ChiragLamp, LightSignifies hope and enlightenment.
ChandanSandalwoodRepresents purity and fragrance.
ChiragLight, LampSymbolizes guidance and positivity.
ChandreshLord of the MoonRepresents calmness and serenity.
ChetakA Famous HorseSymbolizes bravery and reliability.
ChinmayanBlissfulSignifies spiritual happiness and joy.
ChandanSandalwoodSymbolizes purity and spirituality.
CharanFeetRepresents humility and devotion.
ChaitalIntelligentSignifies wisdom and awareness.
ChetasMind, ConsciousnessSymbolizes mental alertness and clarity.
ChinmoyBlissful, PureRepresents spiritual happiness and purity.
ChandanFragrant WoodSignifies purity and spiritual essence.
ChaitanyaConsciousnessSymbolizes spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
CharithStory, HistoryRepresents a person with a meaningful past.
ChetakFamous HorseSymbolizes courage and loyalty.
ChiragLight, LampSignifies guidance and hope.
ChinmayanBlissful, DivineRepresents divine happiness and peace.
ChinmayBlissfulSignifies joy and spiritual enlightenment.
ChirayuLong LifeRepresents health and longevity.
ChaitalOne Who KnowsSymbolizes wisdom and knowledge.
ChandranMoonRepresents calmness and serenity.
CharitNoble CharacterSymbolizes virtue and righteousness.
ChinmayanBlissfulSignifies divine joy and spiritual happiness.
ChiragLightSymbolizes illumination and hope.
ChaitanyaSpiritual AwarenessRepresents deep spiritual understanding.
ChirantanEternalSignifies something everlasting and timeless.
ChinmayaBlissfulSymbolizes inner joy and divine essence.
ChirayuLong LifeRepresents good health and longevity.
ChaitalIntelligentSignifies wisdom and mental clarity.
ChinmoyBlissful, PureSymbolizes purity and spiritual joy.
CharanFeetRepresents humility and devotion to the divine.
ChandanSandalwoodSymbolizes fragrance and purity.
ChetasConsciousnessRepresents mental alertness and clarity.
ChandanSandalwoodSignifies purity and divine presence.

C Name List Boy Cute, Short, and Sweet

ChetConsciousness, aware
CharuBeautiful, graceful
ChiruLittle, small
ChiraEternal, immortal
ChaitConscious, perception
ChiragLamp, light
ChetanConscious, life
CharanFoot, God’s feet
ChiraagLamp, light
ChirayuImmortal, long-lived
ChimanCurious, curious-minded
ChintanMeditation, thought
ChirakSky, eternal
ChitMind, consciousness
ChanchalActive, playful
ChakorA bird enamored by the moon
ChaitanyaConsciousness, intelligence
ChayanCollection, gathering
ChinmayFull of knowledge, blissful
ChhaviReflection, radiance
ChanchalActive, playful
ChandakThe moon
ChinmayiBlissful, supreme
ChintamaniPhilosopher’s stone
ChandreshLord of the moon
ChitranjanJoy of inner mind
ChittaranjanJoyful heart
ChandrakantBeloved of the moon
ChintavThought, meditation
ChintanReflection, contemplation

Traditional C Letter Names for Boy Modern

ChandraMoonRepresents calmness, serenity, and divine beauty.
ChaitanyaConsciousnessSymbolizes spiritual awareness and vitality.
ChiranjeeviImmortalSignifies eternal life and longevity.
CharanFeetRepresents humility, devotion, and respect.
ChandrasekharOne who Holds the MoonSymbolizes Lord Shiva’s aspect, denoting protection and grace.
ChandrakantBeloved of the MoonRepresents charm, beauty, and divine grace.
ChakraDiscSymbolizes the divine wheel of life and spiritual progress.
ChaturWise, IntelligentSignifies wisdom, intellect, and knowledge.
ChandreshLord of the MoonRepresents calmness, serenity, and divine leadership.
ChinmayanBlissful, DivineSignifies spiritual joy and purity.
CharulBeautifulSymbolizes beauty and grace.
ChitranjanOne Who is Bright, RadiantRepresents brightness and clarity.
ChakravartiEmperor, RulerSignifies leadership, power, and sovereignty.
ChandranathLord of the MoonRepresents divine authority and benevolence.
ChirantanEternalSymbolizes something everlasting and timeless.
ChaturbhujFour-ArmedSignifies divine strength and power.
ChandrakantBeloved of the MoonRepresents love, beauty, and divine grace.
ChidambaramThe Sacred Temple of ConsciousnessSignifies spiritual sanctuary and divine presence.
ChinmayanBlissful, PureRepresents divine joy and spiritual purity.
ChaitalOne Who KnowsSignifies knowledge and wisdom.
ChaitanyaConsciousnessRepresents deep spiritual awareness.
ChandramouliOne Who Wears the Moon as a CrownSymbolizes Lord Shiva’s divine aspect and wisdom.
ChandrapalProtector of the MoonSignifies protection, grace, and divine authority.
ChirantanEternalSymbolizes eternity and permanence.
ChandanSandalwoodRepresents purity, spirituality, and divine fragrance.
ChinmayBlissfulSignifies inner joy and spiritual enlightenment.
ChirayuLong LifeSymbolizes longevity and health.
ChakraDiscRepresents spiritual evolution and the divine cycle.
ChandrakantaBeloved of the MoonSignifies beauty, grace, and divine love.
ChandramouliOne Who Wears the Moon as a CrownRepresents Lord Shiva’s wisdom and divine grace.
ChaturbhujFour-ArmedSymbolizes divine strength and cosmic balance.
CharitGood ConductSignifies virtue, righteousness, and noble character.
ChandreshLord of the MoonRepresents calmness, serenity, and divine leadership.
CharanFeetSymbolizes devotion and humility.
ChandrakantBeloved of the MoonSignifies charm, beauty, and divine grace.
ChitranjanOne Who is Bright, RadiantRepresents brightness and clarity.

Trending C Letter Names for Boy Hindu

ChetanSpirit, SoulRepresents consciousness and life force.
ChiragLamp, LightSignifies illumination and guidance.
ChirayuLong LifeRepresents longevity and good health.
ChandanSandalwoodSymbolizes purity, fragrance, and divine essence.
ChirantanEternalSignifies something everlasting and timeless.
ChinmayBlissfulRepresents joy, inner happiness, and spiritual bliss.
ChandreshLord of the MoonSymbolizes calmness, serenity, and divine leadership.
ChetasMind, ConsciousnessSignifies mental alertness and clarity.
CharanFeetRepresents humility, devotion, and respect.
ChaitalIntelligent, WiseSymbolizes wisdom, intellect, and understanding.
CharithHistory, StoryRepresents a person with a meaningful past.
ChinmayanBlissful, DivineSignifies divine joy and spiritual purity.
ChandranMoonRepresents calmness, serenity, and divine presence.
ChandrakantBeloved of the MoonSignifies charm, beauty, and divine grace.
ChakraDiscSymbolizes the divine wheel of life and spiritual progress.
ChetakA Famous HorseRepresents bravery, reliability, and historical significance.
ChaitanyaSpiritual AwarenessSymbolizes deep spiritual understanding and enlightenment.
ChandranathLord of the MoonRepresents divine authority and benevolence.
CharithNoble CharacterSignifies virtue and righteousness.
ChiragLight, LampRepresents hope, enlightenment, and guidance.
ChinmayBlissfulSignifies spiritual happiness and purity.
ChirayuLong LifeRepresents health, longevity, and blessings.
CharanFeetSymbolizes humility and devotion.
ChaitanyaConsciousnessSignifies deep spiritual awareness and vitality.
ChandrakantBeloved of the MoonRepresents love, beauty, and divine grace.
ChetanSpirit, SoulSymbolizes consciousness and life force.
ChandreshLord of the MoonSignifies calmness and divine leadership.
ChinmayanBlissful, PureRepresents divine joy and spiritual purity.
ChirantanEternalSymbolizes something everlasting and timeless.
ChaitalOne Who KnowsSignifies wisdom and understanding.
ChinmoyBlissful, PureRepresents spiritual joy and divine essence.
CharulBeautifulSymbolizes grace, charm, and elegance.
ChitranjanBright, RadiantRepresents brightness and clarity.
ChandrakantBeloved of the MoonSignifies beauty, grace, and divine affection.
CharithHistory, StoryRepresents a meaningful and noble past.
ChandreshLord of the MoonSymbolizes serenity and divine protection.
ChirayuLong LifeSignifies health, longevity, and blessings.
ChakraDiscRepresents spiritual evolution and divine balance.
ChandranMoonRepresents calmness, serenity, and divine presence.
ChinmayBlissfulSignifies inner joy and spiritual enlightenment.

C Letter Names for Boy Hindu Latest Related to Lord Vishnu

ChandranMoonThe cool, nurturing aspect of Lord Vishnu as the moon is part of his divine form.
ChakraDiscRefers to the Sudarshan Chakra, a divine weapon held by Lord Vishnu.
CharanFeetSymbolizes devotion and taking refuge at the feet of Lord Vishnu.
ChaturbhujFour-ArmedLord Vishnu’s form with four arms, each holding a symbol of his divine attributes.
ChaitalIntelligent, WiseRepresents the divine wisdom and knowledge of Lord Vishnu.
ChinmayanBlissful, DivineSignifies the blissful and divine nature of Lord Vishnu.
ChinmayanandaBlissful, Absolute HappinessRepresents supreme joy and bliss of Lord Vishnu.
ChandraMoonSymbolizes the serene and nurturing qualities of Lord Vishnu.
CharithHistory, StoryReflects the rich and divine history of Lord Vishnu’s avatars and deeds.
ChakrapaniHolder of the DiscRefers to Lord Vishnu as the bearer of the Sudarshan Chakra.
ChandrahasMoon SwordSymbolizes Lord Vishnu’s divine weaponry and protective nature.
ChakradarBearer of the DiscRepresents Lord Vishnu as the master of the Sudarshan Chakra.
ChakranathLord of the DiscRefers to Lord Vishnu as the bearer of the Sudarshan Chakra.
ChinthanMeditation, ThoughtSymbolizes contemplation on Lord Vishnu’s divine qualities.
ChaitanyaConsciousness, BlissReflects the divine presence and bliss of Lord Vishnu.
ChidambaramThe Sacred Temple of ConsciousnessSymbolizes the divine temple of Lord Vishnu’s form.
ChaitraA Month in the Hindu CalendarRepresents the auspicious month associated with Lord Vishnu.
ChakrapratishthaEstablishing the DiscSignifies the establishment of the divine chakra symbolizing Lord Vishnu’s presence.
ChandrababuMoon’s FatherSymbolizes Lord Vishnu’s nurturing and protective role.
ChinmayanandaBlissful and JoyfulRepresents the eternal bliss of Lord Vishnu’s presence.
ChandanSandalwoodRepresents purity and divine fragrance from nature.
ChandramouliOne Who Wears the Moon as a CrownRefers to Lord Vishnu’s divine aspect associated with the moon.
ChinthanContemplation, ReflectionSymbolizes meditative thought and devotion to Lord Vishnu.

Unique Hindu Boy Names With C

ChandrakantBeloved of the Moon, precious like the Moon
ChandreshLord of the Moon, Moon God
ChaitanyaConsciousness, Divine Bliss
ChitrakOne with a beautiful, clear appearance
CharanFeet, often referring to the divine feet of deities
ChandrahasOne who holds the Moon, another name for Lord Shiva
ChiranjeeviImmortal, one who lives forever
ChinmayanOne who is full of divine knowledge, Blissful
ChaitaliBorn in the month of Chaitra (a sacred month)
ChinmayFull of Bliss, Divine Knowledge
ChandranathLord of the Moon
ChakraSacred Wheel, refers to divine energy or a divine attribute
ChiranjeeviImmortal, Everlasting
ChitrabhanuSunlight, Radiance
ChinmayanandaBlissful, One with Divine Consciousness
ChaitanyaDivine Consciousness, Bliss
ChamanGarden, refers to the divine abode of gods
ChandramouliOne who wears the Moon on his head, another name for Lord Shiva
CharulBeautiful, lovely (Celestial beauty)
ChandrarajKing of the Moon
ChandrakiranRays of the Moon
ChandranilMoon Sapphire
ChandrapalProtector of the Moon
ChaturClever, Skillful (Reflecting divine attributes)
ChandrajitOne who wins over the Moon
ChandranThe Moon God
CharithHistory, Mythology (Reflecting celestial tales)
ChinmayBlissful, Divine Knowledge
ChandreshwarLord of the Moon
ChinmayanandaBlissful State, One with Divine Knowledge
ChandramouliOne who wears the Moon on His head, Shiva
ChithraStar, Celestial Body
ChandrakantBeloved of the Moon
ChandreshMoon God
ChitrakOne with a beautiful appearance
CharulBeautiful, Lovely
ChinmayiOne with Divine Bliss
ChakreshOne who holds the divine wheel, Vishnu
ChathurClever, Intelligent
ChandranathLord of the Moon
ChandrakMoon God

C Name List Boy Inspired By Celebrity

NameMeaningCelebrity InspirationSocial Media Appeal
ChandreshLord of the Moon, Moon GodChandresh Kudwa (Indian Entrepreneur)Elegant and traditional, appealing for its spiritual and leadership connotations.
ChandranMoon GodChandran Nair (Indian Entrepreneur)Simple and classic, popular for its direct celestial reference and timeless quality.
ChandrahasOne who holds the Moon, another name for Lord ShivaChandrahas R (Fictional Character)Reflects power and divinity, attractive for its association with spiritual and heroic figures.
ChandrakantBeloved of the Moon, precious like the MoonChandrakant Pandit (Indian Cricketer)Romantic and classic, favored for its endearing and rare quality.
ChandrikaMoonlightChandrika Ravi (Model and Actress)Feminine and elegant, appreciated for its serene and poetic celestial appeal.
ChandiniMoonlightChandini (Indian Actress)Delicate and beautiful, popular for its association with a charming actress and its celestial reference.
ChandranathLord of the MoonChandranath Ghosh (Historical Figure)Majestic and traditional, suitable for its regal and divine associations.
ChandrakiranRays of the MoonChandrakiran Reddy (Indian Businessman)Radiant and uplifting, appealing for its bright and positive connotations.
ChandramouliOne who wears the Moon on His head, ShivaChandramouli (Historical Figures, Various)Symbolizes divine authority, attractive for its spiritual significance and historical depth.
ChandrashekharOne who holds the Moon, ShivaChandrashekhar Azad (Freedom Fighter)Revered and distinguished, popular for its association with a legendary freedom fighter and spiritual figure.
ChinmayanandaBlissful State, One with Divine KnowledgeChinmayananda Saraswati (Spiritual Leader)Deeply spiritual and wise, appealing for its profound and knowledgeable connotations.
ChinmayBlissful, Divine KnowledgeChinmayananda (Spiritual Teacher)Simple yet profound, favored for its association with spiritual enlightenment and joy.
ChitrabhanuSunlight, RadianceChitrabhanu Singh (Fictional Name)Bright and warm, popular for its positive and illuminating qualities.
ChitraStar, Celestial BodyChitra (Indian Actress)Elegant and classic, appreciated for its celestial and timeless appeal.
ChitrakOne with a beautiful, clear appearanceChitrak (Fictional Characters)Unique and classic, chosen for its distinct and aesthetic quality.
CharanFeet, often referring to the divine feet of deitiesCharan Singh (Historical Figure, Politician)Traditional and humble, popular for its devotional and respectful significance.
ChaitanyaConsciousness, Divine BlissChaitanya Mahaprabhu (Saint and Founder)Reflects spiritual depth, attractive for its divine and blissful qualities.
ChiranjiviImmortal, One who lives foreverChiranjivi Singh (Fictional Character)Timeless and revered, used for its association with eternal life and divine attributes.
ChitranOne who is bright, illustriousChitranjan (Fictional Characters)Bright and distinguished, popular for its radiant and honorable meaning.
ChaturClever, Skillful (Reflecting divine attributes)Chatur Ramalingam (Fictional Character, 3 Idiots)Smart and classic, favored for its association with cleverness and wit.
ChaitaliBorn in the month of Chaitra (a sacred month)Chaitali (Fictional Characters)Traditional and cultural, used for its seasonal and religious significance.
ChandanSandalwood, often associated with divine purityChandan (Indian Actor)Classic and pure, popular for its sacred and historical significance.
ChandreshwarLord of the MoonChandreshwar (Fictional Characters)Strong and venerable, appealing for its divine and authoritative presence.
ChinmayiOne with Divine BlissChinmayi Sripaada (Singer and Voice Artist)Joyful and spiritual, popular for its association with divine bliss and creativity.
CharulBeautiful, LovelyCharul (Fictional Characters)Vintage and graceful, appreciated for its aesthetic and appealing sound.
ChakraSacred Wheel, Divine EnergyChakra (Various Fictional Characters)Powerful and sacred, used for its divine and energetic symbolism.
ChandanamSandalwood, symbolizing purity and sacrednessChandanam (Fictional Characters)Pure and timeless, favored for its spiritual and sacred associations.
ChakreshOne who holds the divine wheel, VishnuChakresh (Fictional Characters)Divine and authoritative, popular for its strong spiritual resonance.
ChakrapaniOne who holds the divine wheel (Vishnu)Chakrapani (Fictional Characters)Revered and classic, used for its divine and majestic qualities.
ChitranjanOne who makes things brightChitranjan (Various Characters)Uplifting and radiant, appreciated for its bright and positive meaning.
ChirantanEternal, EverlastingChirantan (Fictional Characters)Timeless and enduring, used for its connotations of immortality and permanence.

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