Most Popular Bahraini Last Names For Male And Female

By Stephen Daniel

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Bahraini last names (surnames) are passed down through generations, and many are linked to professions, ancestry, or notable figures in Bahraini society. Whether inspired by religious or tribal affiliations, these names often symbolize a sense of pride and identity for the people of Bahrain.

In this list, we will explore some of the most popular Bahraini last names for both males and females. These names not only highlight the diverse heritage of the country but also showcase the unique blend of Arabic, Islamic, and local influences that have shaped Bahraini culture.

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Did You Know?
Bahrain is an archipelago of 33 islands, with Bahrain Island being the largest. The country is located in the Persian Gulf, and despite its small size, it has a highly developed infrastructure and economy.

Popular Bahrain Names Male

No.NameBahraini EquivalentMeaning
1AliعليElevated or exalted, associated with nobility and greatness.
2AhmedأحمدHighly praised or one who constantly thanks God.
3KumarكومارPrince or son, signifying youth and vitality.
4HassanحسنHandsome or good, associated with beauty and virtue.
5KhanخانRuler or leader, signifies strength and authority.
6HussainحسينHandsome or good, associated with virtues and beauty.
7MohamedمحمدPraised or one who is praised, a name that signifies virtue.
8Abdullaعبد اللهServant of God, symbolizing devotion.
9YousifيوسفGod increases, often associated with blessings.
10EbrahimإبراهيمFather of many, a prophet’s name meaning “father of nations.”
11JanahiجناحيA surname with regional significance, often linked to a specific tribe or family.
12SalmanسلمانSafe, peaceful; associated with peace and protection.
13NairنايرA surname with Indian origin, often meaning “light” or “torch.”
14SalehصالحRighteous or virtuous, symbolizing goodness and piety.
15MahmoodمحمودPraiseworthy, a name symbolizing gratitude and virtue.
16MathewمتىGift of God, derived from Hebrew and commonly used in Christian communities.
17SinghسينغA lion, often used to symbolize strength and bravery.
18AbbasعباسStern or lion-hearted, symbolizing courage and authority.
19VargheseفارغيسA Christian name meaning “the man of God,” often of Syrian origin.
20KhalilخليلFriend, companion, especially in reference to a close, loyal friend.
21JassimجاسمGreat, big; often used to signify importance or greatness.
22ShaikhشيخA leader or elder, often used in Arab cultures to refer to a respected figure.
23HasanحسنHandsome or good, associated with beauty and virtue.
24RadhiراضيSatisfied or content, signifying peace and contentment.
25HajiحاجيPilgrim, someone who has completed the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.
26KhalafخلفSuccessor, someone who follows or replaces.
27AlawiعلويRelated to the family of Ali, symbolizing noble lineage.
28KhalifaخليفةSuccessor, leader; often used in Islamic contexts.
29MalikمالكKing or ruler, denoting power and authority.
30AbuأبوFather or patron, often used to refer to the father of a prominent figure.
31MenonمنونA South Indian surname, often associated with Tamil or Malayalam heritage.
32NasserناصرVictorious, one who brings victory.
33ShettyشيتيA title used in Indian communities, often signifying a leader or chief.
34AlalawiالعلاويRelated to the Alawi family or tribe, often signifying noble ancestry.
35KamalكمالPerfection, often used to signify excellence and beauty.
36AlshaikhالشيخA title used to denote a sheikh or tribal leader.
37MarhoonمرهونA surname of Arabic origin, often linked to specific tribes or families.
38HabibحبيبBeloved or dear, signifying affection and love.
39SharmaشارماA common Indian surname meaning “joy” or “comfort.”
40RajراجKing or ruler, signifying royalty and leadership.
41Alaaliعلا ليHigh or exalted, often denoting a distinguished family.
42AhmadأحمدHighly praised, another form of the name Ahmed.
43MohammedمحمدPraised or one who is praised, a name that signifies virtue.
44BabuبابوA term of respect, often used in South Asian cultures for a man.
45DarwishدرويشA Sufi title meaning a mystic or a person of deep spiritual practice.
46JawadجوادGenerous or noble, associated with kindness and charity.
47Dsouzaد SouzaA surname of Portuguese origin, common among Christians in India.
48KrishnanكريشنانA South Indian name associated with the god Krishna, meaning dark or black.
49Al Alawiآل علويRelated to the Alawi family or tribe, symbolizing noble lineage.
50Al Khalifaآل خليفةAssociated with the Khalifa family, signifying leadership.
51SaeedسعيدHappy or fortunate, often denoting prosperity.
52HameedحميدPraiseworthy or highly praised, symbolizing virtue and goodness.
53ShahشاهKing or emperor, used to denote power and sovereignty.
54PillaiبيلايA title used in South India, often denoting a leader or noble person.
55RajanراجانKing or ruler, often associated with royalty.
56SalemسالمSafe or peaceful, symbolizing tranquility.
57HashimهاشمCrusher, or one who destroys evil, often associated with the Prophet’s lineage.
58HusainحسينHandsome, good, often associated with beauty and virtue.
59RahmanرحمنMerciful, compassionate, one of the names of God in Islam.
60AlansariالأنصاريRelated to the Ansar, a group of early followers of Prophet Muhammad.
61MattarمطرA surname with regional significance, often used in Middle Eastern cultures.
62AminأمينFaithful, trustworthy, one who is honest and loyal.
63AlamعالمWorld or universe, symbolizing vastness.
64RajabرجبA sacred month in the Islamic calendar, signifying reverence.
65MahdiمهديGuided or rightly guided, often used to denote a spiritual leader.
66SharifشريفNoble or honorable, used to denote a person of high social rank.
67ShaheenشاهينFalcon, symbolizing strength, agility, and vision.
68MirzaمرزاA title used by noble families, signifying a person of high rank.
69Al-Alawiآل علويRelated to the Alawi family, symbolizing nobility and heritage.
Did You Know?
Bahrain is a melting pot of cultures.Bahrain's population is known for its diverse heritage, with a mix of Arab, Persian, Indian, and Western influences. This cultural diversity is reflected in the country's traditions, cuisine, and customs

Most Popular Bahraini Names for Girls

No.NameBahraini EquivalentMeaning
1ZainabزينبFragrant plant, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
2FatimaفاطمةOne who abstains, captivating
3YasminياسمينJasmine flower
4LailaليلىNight, dark beauty
5NoorنورLight, radiance
6AishaعائشةAlive, living
7KhadijaخديجةPremature child, early baby (name of Prophet Muhammad’s first wife)
8HanaهناءHappiness, bliss
9AmnaآمنةSafe, peaceful
10SaraسارةPrincess, noblewoman
11HalaهالةHalo, aura
12MaryamمريمBeloved, wished-for child (a prophet’s mother)
13ReemريمWhite gazelle, graceful
14ManalمنالAchievement, attainment
15SalmaسلمىPeaceful, safe
16EmanإيمانFaith, belief
17DanaدانةBig pearl
18FajrفجرDawn, beginning
19ShaikhaشيخةNoblewoman, princess
20NouraنورةRadiant, full of light
21AsmaأسماءExalted, high
22RaniaرانياGazer, queen
23AmalأملHope, aspiration
24MahaمهاWild deer, beautiful eyes
25HessaحصةDestiny, portion
26SamiraسميرةCompanion in evening talks
27RawanروانFlowing water, soft breeze
28LubnaلبنىTree with fragrant resin
29FarahفرحJoy, happiness
33DalalدلالCoquetry, flirtation
34SafaصفاءPurity, serenity
35HebaهبةGift, donation
36ArwaأروىMountain goat, beauty
37SuhaسهاDistant star
38SabaسبأMorning breeze, youth
39AliaعاليةExalted, noble
40MunaمنىDesires, wishes
41WafaوفاءLoyalty, faithfulness
42RimaريماWhite antelope
43MaisaميساءWalking with pride, graceful
44LamaلمىDark lips
45AmaniأمانيWishes, aspirations
46NisreenنسرينWhite rose
47ZinaزينةOrnament, beauty
49GhadaغادةGraceful, delicate
50BushraبشرىGood news, glad tidings
51InasإيناسFriendly, sociable
52NawalنوالGift, generosity
53HananحنانCompassion, tenderness
54ShahdشهدPure honey
55ButhainaبثينةBeautiful, soft
56NajlaنجلاءLarge-eyed, beautiful
57HibaهبةGift, blessing
58SawsanسوسنLily flower
59MaysaaميساءProud, walking with pride
60RazanرزانDignity, serenity
61AsmahanأسمهانNoble name, high in status
62DinaديناJudged, vindicated
63RaghadرغدComfort, ease
64KawtharكوثرAbundance, a river in paradise
65SamarسمرEvening conversation, pleasant
66MarwaمروةFlintstone, also a mountain in Mecca
67LeenلينTender, delicate
68SaharسحرDawn, early morning
69AfraعفراءWhite, fair
70WijdanوجدانSentiment, passion
72ThurayaثرياPleiades (star cluster)
73SumayaسميةHigh above, lofty
74NadiaناديةGenerous, moist with dew
75AreejأريجFragrance, sweet scent
77MaysaميساءGraceful, proud
78AfafعفافChastity, purity
79HindهندOld Arabian tribe, India
80IsraإسراءNight journey, referring to the Prophet’s journey to heaven
81GhazalغزلFlirting, love poetry
82MaisoonميسونGraceful, of good stature
83AzizaعزيزةPowerful, dear
84DaliaدالياGrape vine, delicate
85JoumanaجمانةSilver pearl
86TasneemتسنيمFountain in paradise
89ShaimaشيماءVirtue, one with beauty spots
90NajwaنجوىSecret conversation, passion
Did You Know?
Bahrainis place a strong emphasis on family values, and the family is considered the cornerstone of social structure. Extended families often live close to each other, and family gatherings and celebrations are an important part of their lifestyle.

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