50+ Best Boy Names That Mean Green

Green is a color of life, growth, and nature, symbolizing renewal and harmony. Naming your baby boy after this vibrant hue connects him to the earth’s beauty and timeless vitality. Across cultures, names inspired by green evoke imagery of lush forests, precious gemstones, and flourishing landscapes.

This list brings together over 50 boy names that reflect the charm and significance of green. From unique cultural names to classic options, these choices are perfect for parents seeking a meaningful and nature-inspired name for their little one.

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Best Boy Names That Mean Green

Here’s a carefully curated list of the most enchanting boy names that mean green. Each name is inspired by nature, culture, and the symbolism of the color green.

ArborAR-borMeans “herb garden”Latin
ZoldZOHLDMeans “green”Hungarian
BradshawBRAD-shawMeans “broad thicket”English
CeladonSEL-uh-donMeans “pale grayish green color”French
BasilBAY-silMeans “royal” and also a green herbGreek
MatlalMAT-lahlMeans “dark green”Aztec
RangerRAYN-jerMeans “dweller in the field”French
SylvesterSIL-vest-erMeans “from the forest”English, Latin
ForestFOR-estMeans “out of the woods”Old French
KingsleyKING-sleeMeans “woodland clearing of the king”Old English
ErwinER-winMeans “sea friend”Hungarian
GreeneGREENA variant of the English name GreenIrish
ZelenyZEH-leh-neeMeans “green”Czech, Slovak
KadirKAH-deerMeans “green”Arabic
OdhranOH-dranMeans “pale green”Irish
RoscoeROS-kohMeans “from the deer forest”Old Norse
XanhZAHNMeans “green”Vietnamese
BudBUDMeans “herald” or the start of a blooming flowerOld English
VardonVAR-donMeans “from the green hill”French
BentonBEN-tonMeans “bent grass enclosure”English
KakarKAH-karMeans “grass”Hindu
BerryBEH-reeMeans “bringer of victory” (Greek) or “small fruit” (English)Greek, English
ArdenAR-denMeans “passionate” (Latin) or “of the great forest” (English)Latin, English
AkhdarAH-kh-darMeans “green”Arabic
LuntianLOON-tee-ahnMeans “green”Filipino
MarinoMAH-ree-noMeans “ocean loving” or “of the sea”French, Latin
SedgwickSEDG-wickMeans “outlying settlement” or “dairy farm”English
OranOR-anMeans “green”Irish
GawainGAW-ainMeans “courteous” and also the name of the Green Knight in Arthurian legendWelsh
MerlinMER-linMeans “the fort by the sea”Welsh
LikoLEE-koHawaiian for “leaf bud”Hawaiian
CalhounCAL-hoonMeans “the narrow woods”Irish
MurdochMUR-dokMeans “victorious at sea”Scottish
GrunGROONMeans “someone who dressed in green or lived in a leafy place”German
FaheyFAY-heeMeans “foundation” and is sometimes anglicized as “Green”Irish
HaritHAH-ritMeans “lush,” “green,” or “emerald”Sanskrit
WesleyWES-leeMeans “west meadow”Old English
PinePINEA name for someone who lived near a pine forestEnglish, French
DouglasDOO-glassMeans “dark water” and also the name of a fir treeOld English
SylvanSIL-vanMeans “forest”Italian
LyleLYLEMeans “from the island”French
LodenLOH-denA deep olive green fabric used for coatsUnknown Origin
HerbHERBMeans “exalted ruler” and also the green herbs used in cookingOld English
YashemYAH-shemMeans “green leaf”Arabic
IrvingER-vingMeans “sea friend”Old English
HarialHAH-ree-alMeans “green-colored”Hindu
ZaliasZAH-lee-usMeans “green”Lithuanian
BasilBAY-silMeans “royal” and also a green herbGreek
VermontVER-montMeans “green mountain”French

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