Popular Jewish Names from the 1940s to the 2010s

By Stephen Daniel

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Jewish girl names have changed over the years, influenced by traditions, culture, and the times. From the 1940s to the 2010s, names like Ruth and Deborah were popular in the early decades, reflecting biblical roots. As time went on, names such as Rachel, Sarah, and Rebecca became common, while newer names like Maya, Eliana, and Talia became popular in the 2000s and 2010s.

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This list looks at the most popular Jewish girl names from the 1940s to the 2010s, sharing their meanings. Whether you’re looking for a classic or modern name, this list offers a variety of options.

Popular Jewish Names from the 1940s to the 2010s

Did You Know ?
Jewish individuals sometimes have both a given name and a Hebrew name used in religious contexts, such as during prayers or ceremonies like a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The combination of the two names can hold special significance for the family.


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
RuthFriend or companionRichardBrave ruler
LindaBeautifulStevenCrown or garland
NancyGraceMichaelWho is like God
BarbaraForeign or strangeDanielGod is my judge
BonnieBeautiful or cheerfulHowardHigh guardian
KarenPureGarySpear ruler
SusanLily or roseJonathanGod has given
EllenBright or shining lightDavidBeloved
RobinBright fameRobertBright fame


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
AmyBelovedMatthewGift of God
SharonA fertile plainJosephHe will add
ElizabethGod is my oathStevenCrown or garland
RachelEweRobertBright fame
LisaGod is my oathDavidBeloved
JulieYouthfulDanielGod is my judge
DeborahBeeJonathanGod has given
SusanLily or roseScottFrom Scotland
LauraLaurel treeMichaelWho is like God
Did You know?
Jewish names can vary significantly depending on the region of origin. For example, Ashkenazi Jews, who originated in Central and Eastern Europe, often have surnames like "Schwartz" or "Rosenberg," while Sephardic Jews, with roots in Spain and the Mediterranean, may have names like "Levi" or "Benveniste."


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
SarahPrincessDanielGod is my judge
RebeccaTo tie, bindJoshuaGod is salvation
JenniferFair oneMichaelWho is like God
AmyBelovedBenjaminSon of the right hand
LisaGod is my oathJonathanGod has given
ElizabethGod is my oathAdamMan, earth
JessicaGod beholdsAndrewManly, brave
DeborahBeeJeremyExalted of the Lord
MelissaHoney beeAaronHigh mountain, exalted


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
SarahPrincessDanielGod is my judge
RebeccaTo tie, bindJoshuaGod is salvation
JessicaGod beholdsBenjaminSon of the right hand
LaurenLaurel treeMichaelWho is like God
SaraPrincessAaronHigh mountain, exalted
JenniferFair oneMatthewGift of God
EmilyRival, to emulateJonathanGod has given
MelissaHoney beeJacobSupplanter
ElizabethGod is my oathAdamMan, earth


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
RachelEweBenjaminSon of the right hand
HannahGrace, favorDanielGod is my judge
SarahPrincessSamuelGod has heard
RebeccaTo tie, bindJacobSupplanter
EmilyRival, to emulateJoshuaGod is salvation
LeahWeary, delicateJonathanGod has given
ElizabethGod is my oathAaronHigh mountain, exalted
EmmaUniversal, wholeMaxThe greatest
JessicaGod beholdsZacharyGod remembers
Did You Know?
Jewish surnames sometimes indicate the name of a father or mother. This is known as a patronymic (father’s name) or matronymic (mother’s name) tradition. For example, "Ben" (meaning "son of") is commonly seen in patronymic names like "Ben-David," while "Bat" (meaning "daughter of") appears in matronymic names like "Bat-Yael.


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
HannahGrace, favorSamuelGod has heard
MayaWater, illusionJacobSupplanter
MiriamWished for childBenjaminSon of the right hand
RebeccaTo tie, bindNoahRest, comfort
TaliaDew from GodDanielGod is my judge
ElianaMy God has answeredJonahDove, peace
AbigailFather’s joyGabrielGod is my strength
SophieWisdomAdamMan, earth
NaomiPleasantnessEliAscended, uplifted
SarahPrincessEzraHelp, support
Did You Know?
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many Jewish immigrants to the United States changed their last names to sound more "American" or easier for immigration officials to spell. For instance, "Cohen" might be changed to "Coen" or "Katz" to "Kates."


Girl NameGirl MeaningBoy NameBoy Meaning
MayaWater, illusionEzraHelp, support
NoaMovement, motionAsherHappy, blessed
HannahGrace, favorBenjaminSon of the right hand
ElianaMy God has answeredJacobSupplanter
MiriamWished for childSamuelGod has heard
NaomiPleasantnessJonahDove, peace
AbigailFather’s joyEthanStrong, firm
ShoshanaLily, roseIsaacLaughter, he will rejoice
TaliaDew from GodAriLion, noble
YaelMountain goatEliAscended, uplifted

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