Stunning 2024 ᐅ Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With A

By Stephen Daniel

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Looking for the perfect name for your baby boy? Discover our curated list of the Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With A . Each name is selected for its modern appeal and meaningful significance. Explore these names along with their meanings to find the ideal name for your little one.

Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With a From Quran

NameMeaningQuran Reference
AdamThe first human created by Allah.2:31
AbdullahServant of Allah.48:9
AyyubProphet known for his patience.38:41
AarifKnowledgeable, Wise.9:120
AasimProtector, Guardian.33:9
AyaanGift of God, Reward.96:1
AsimProtector, Guardian.33:9
AzizMighty, Beloved.12:64
AhmadMost praised, One of the names of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).61:6
AnasAffectionate, Friendly.58:12
AliHigh, Exalted, Fourth Caliph of Islam.4:125
AminFaithful, Trustworthy.5:118
AmirPrince, Leader.12:41
AsadLion, Brave.5:64
Abu BakrCompanion of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), First Caliph of Islam.9:40
AkramGenerous, Excellent.69:33
AzeemGreat, Magnificent.12:64
AdnanSettler, Descendant.37:129
AarizRespectable man, Intelligent.33:9
AsadullahLion of Allah.33:37
AymanLucky, Blessed.56:29
ArafatMount Arafat, Place near Mecca.2:198
AzharBright, Luminous.24:35
ArifKnowledgeable, Expert.2:260
AshrafMore honorable, Most noble.17:103
AswadBlack, Dark.6:110
AhsanThe best, Most beautiful.95:1
AbidWorshiper, Devoted.66:11
AatifKind, Affectionate.33:35
AtharPure, Chaste.11:92
AzimMighty, Magnificent.8:63
AfifChaste, Modest.7:199
AnwarRays of light, Radiant.33:45
AdilJust, Fair.4:58
ArifinThe knowledgeable ones.22:25
AkilIntelligent, Wise.2:229
AsirCaptive, Imprisoned.47:4
Abu HurairaCompanion of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).60:12
AqilWise, Sensible.5:3
AzraqBlue, Name of a companion.2:286
AslamPeaceful, Safe.61:4
AqeelWise, Sensible.4:29
ArqamName of a Sahabi.9:71
AdibScholar, Cultured.41:33
AsifForgiveness, Pardon.38:43
AbdulServant of, Slave of.2:177
AamirPopulous, Full, Prosperous.2:261
AtifCompassionate, Affectionate.26:29
AmanPeace, Safety.4:84
AarizRespectable man, Intelligent.3:103
AnasFriendly, Affectionate.58:12
AyubProphet known for his patience.38:41
AqiqName of a stone.2:260
AdyanPlural of Deen, Religion.3:19
ArkanSolid, Name of an individual.10:101
AdliJust, Wise.4:58
AfnanBranches of trees.55:13
AydinEnlightened, Intelligent.36:33
AzaanCall for prayer.9:5
AseelSmooth, Noble.33:21
AamirInhabiting, Populous.10:5
AkilIntelligent, Wise.2:227
AbeedWorshiper, Worshiped.98:6
AbyadNarrator of Hadith.24:35
AdeebScholar, Cultured.41:33
AsarMarks, Sign, Trace.58:11
AsbatBetter, More correct.2:286
AseedSteady, Firm.2:132
AsilRoots, Origin, Noble.8:39
AsliPure, Original.37:129
AssadHappier, Luckier.56:29
AswadBlack, Dark.5:101
AzaliBright, Shining.51:1
AzimDefender, Preserver.8:63
AzizSaint, Ruler.2:279
AzmatGrandeur, Glorious.5:53
AzrafAngry, Frowning.39:41
AamerPrinces, Ruler.2:261
AarefName of an individual.2:260
AasilNoble, Handsome.2:229
AashifName of a mountain.3:103
AayanName of an individual.3:103
AazimMark of an individual.33:43
AbadName of a place.9:105
AbanName of a mountain.11:114
AbarName of a mountain.3:24
AbasName of a place.37:130
AbatName of a place.12:24
AbbaName of a place.47:7
AbboName of a place.25:69
AbeeName of a place.9:54
AbebName of a place.9:24
AbduServant of, Slave of.2:132
AamirPrince, Leader.2:261
AdeebScholar, Cultured.41:33

Unique Muslim Boy Names Starting With A

AadamThe first Prophet of Allah
AadilJust, Upright
AadhilHonorable Judge
AarabiskA person who is wishful and healthy
AamirPrince, Leader
AarizBold, Courageous, of utmost strength
AabanMore Clear, 8th Persian Month
AabidWorshipper of God
AahilGood Health, Prince
AaleeElevated, Sublime, High
AayanGift of God
AazadIndependent or “Free”
AayanGift of God
AabanMore Clear, 8th Persian Month
AahilGood Health, Prince
AasimProtector or Defender
AatifAffectionate or Kind

Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With a With Meaning

AarizRespectable, Intelligent
AyaanGift of God
AaravPeaceful, Wisdom
AhmadMost praised, One of the names of Prophet Muhammad
AliHigh, Sublime, Champion, Excellent
AyaazA guest, Visiting, Blessings
AaribHandsome, Healthy
AmaanPeace, Comfort
AbdulServant of Allah, Variant of Abdal
AbrarPious, Devout, Religious
AasimProtector, Defender
AadilJust, Upright, Honest
AzharBright, Luminous, Radiant
AmeenTrustworthy, Honest, Faithful
AamirPopulous, Full, Prosperous
AnasAffectionate, Friendly, Companion
AzeemGreat, Magnificent
AsimGuardian, Protector
AhsanBest, Most Beautiful
ArhamMerciful, Compassionate
ArifKnowledgeable, Learned
AkramMost Generous, Excellent
AtifGenerous, Compassionate
AdilJust, Fair, Honest
AymanRighteous, Blessed
AsadLion, Happy, Fortunate
AsifForgiveness, Strong, Courageous
AminTrustworthy, Honest
AyanBright, Luminous
AmirPrince, Commander, Leader
ArmanWish, Hope, Desire
AfzalExcellent, Superior
AbbasLion, Name of Prophet Muhammad’s Uncle
AzimGreatest, Mightiest
AslamPeace, Greeting
AshrafHonorable, Noble
AnwarLuminous, Bright
AsadullahLion of Allah
AhmedVariant of Ahmad, Most praised
AqibFollower, Successor
AatifKind, Affectionate
AsgharYounger, Smaller
AtiqAncient, Noble
AzizPowerful, Beloved, Noble
AmjadMore Glorious, Noble
ArifKnowledgeable, Learned
AzaanCall to Prayer
AhsanBest, Most Beautiful
AzeemGreatest, Mighty
AmeenFaithful, Trustworthy
ArhamMerciful, Compassionate
AasimProtector, Defender
AzaanCall to Prayer
AftabSun, Radiant
AabidDevout Worshipper
AadithRadiant, New Moon
AaravPeaceful, Wise
AhlamDreams, Delusions
AydinEnlightened, Radiant
AnisFriendly, Close Friend
AzharBright, Radiant
AmeerLeader, Commander
AwaisA Companion of Prophet Muhammad
AashirLively, Living
AzharBright, Radiant
AwwalFirst, Primary
AasimProtector, Guardian
AdibCultured, Refined
AftabSun, Radiance
AaravPeaceful, Wise
AarifKnowledgeable, Wise
AdeelJust, Fair
AmiyaNectar, Sweetness
AshrafNoble, Honorable
AdibLearned, Cultured
AghaLeader, Chief
AmarLong Life, Immortal
ArmanWish, Desire
AmeenTrustworthy, Reliable
AarizRespectable, Intelligent
AzamGreater, Supreme
AsifStrong, Forgiving
AayazA guest, Visiting
AmeenHonest, Faithful
AashirLively, Living
AaribHandsome, Healthy
AhsanBest, Most Beautiful
AhsanBest, Most Beautiful
AramPeaceful, Calm
AadilJust, Fair
AsherHappy, Blessed
AmaanPeace, Safety

Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting with A in Urdu

نام (Urdu)Name (English)مفہوم (Meaning)
آدیAadiFirst, Original
آصفAsifAdvisor, Consultant
آسمانAasmanSky, Heavens
آباسAabasBrave, Hero
آرمانArmanDesire, Aspiration
آرِسArisProtector, Guardian
آمیرAmeerProsperous, Wealthy
آشِقAashiqLover, Affectionate
آخترAkhtarStar, Celestial
آنسAansTear, Droplet
آرِیAriNoble, Exalted
آجِبAjeebStrange, Unique
آرشArashA legendary Persian hero
آہِمAhemImportant, Significant
آزادAzadFree, Independent
آنِسAnisFriendly, Close friend
آقائیAqaaiMaster, Sir
آیدینAydinEnlightened, Bright
آدِلAdilJust, Fair
آرینArynHoly, Pious
آصفیAsafiAccountable, Ethical
آمینAmeenTrustworthy, Reliable
آکِفAkifDevoted, Dedicated
آبیAabiWater, Pure
آرشامArshamBright, Radiant
آساAsaHope, Wish
آقابAqabSuccessor, Heir
آرَزArzWish, Desire
آسیمAasimProtector, Preserver
آیادAyadSupport, Assistance
آسراAsraSupport, Refuge
آیمنAymanBlessed, Lucky
آیازAyazGenerous, A historical figure
آفاقAfaqHorizons, Vistas
آلانAlanRock, Stone
آدرینAdrienDark one, Rich
آندریاAndreaBrave, Courageous
آرمانArmanHope, Desire
آسیAasiDistressed, Troubled
آرزُوArzuWish, Desire
آفریدونFereydounA legendary Persian king
آرزوArzuDesire, Hope
آرجنArjunA hero from Mahabharata
آشامAshaamJoyful, Cheerful
آیادAyadSupport, Help
آریاAryaNoble, Honorable
آثارAsarEffects, Marks
آسیمAseemProtector, Defender
آلیAliExalted, Elevated
آرِیAriNoble, Exalted
آیادAyadStrong, Supportive
آتیبAteebPure, Righteous
آئِشAishLively, Prosperous
آریشAreesBrave, Protector
آرینArynHoly, Pious
آبیدAabidDevoted Worshipper
آرِسArisNoble, Guardian
آذرAzarFire, Flame
آینAinEye, Vision
آسیبAseebLucky, Fortunate
آیادAyadSupport, Help
آسراAsraSupport, Refuge
آتھارAatharPrincipal, Leader
آیمنAymanBlessed, Lucky
آلِفAlefFirst Letter, Beginning
آیسانAysanBeautiful, Lovely
آرونAaronHigh Mountain
آمینAmeenTrustworthy, Honest
آرفAarifKnowledgeable, Wise
آگسAugustRevered, Venerable
آلہAlaaExaltation, Greatness
آزارAzarFire, Flame
آراAraNoble, Leader
آیادAyadStrong, Supportive
آقاسیAqaasiNoble, Superior
آثارAsarEffects, Impressions

Modern Muslim Boy Names A

AadithRadiant, New moon
AazimResolute, Determined
AahilPrince, Leader
AarizRespectable, Intelligent
AasimProtector, Guardian
AyaanGift of God, Reward
AamirProsperous, Leader
AreebWise, Intelligent
AadhamMost noble, Eminent
AzaanCall for prayer, Dawn
ArmanHope, Aspiration
ArishRuler, Leader
AzeemGreat, Magnificent
ArhamMerciful, Compassionate
AabidDevout worshiper
AfaqHorizon, Boundaries
AasifForgiving, Pardon
AbeerFragrance, Aroma
AydinEnlightened, Intelligent
AzimMajestic, Mighty
AftabSun, Radiant
AmeenTrustworthy, Honest
AizazEsteem, Honor
AaravPeaceful, Radiant
AyyanGift of God, Benefactor
AfnanBranches of a tree, Prosperity
AasirCaptivating, Enthralling
AreehanNoble, Kind-hearted
AadhiBeginning, Origin
AzharRadiant, Bright
AnasAffectionate, Friendly
AdnanEternal, Settled
AalifFriendly, Affectionate
AashirLively, Living
AbeerFragrance, Aroma
AarifKnowledgeable, Expert
AmitFriend, Reliable
AsharRighteous, Just
AteebNoble, Honorable
AzwanPowerful, Strong
AzaadFree, Independent
AqeelIntelligent, Wise
AmeerLeader, Commander
AsadLion, Brave
AseelNoble, Pure
AatifCompassionate, Affectionate
AhsanBest, Most beautiful
AnisFriendly, Companion
AmaanPeace, Safety
AqibSuccessor, Follower
AsharRighteous, Just
AarizRespectable, Intelligent
AmeerLeader, Commander
AadhiBeginning, Origin
AyyubProphet known for patience
AzizMighty, Beloved
AamThe Most Noble
AamilDoer, Worker
AseelNoble, Pure
AzeemGreat, Magnificent
AminTrustworthy, Honest
AarifKnowledgeable, Wise
AqeelWise, Intelligent
AreebWise, Intelligent
AftabSun, Radiant
AzharRadiant, Luminous
AminTrustworthy, Honest
ArashThrone, Greatness
AmeerLeader, Commander
AaravPeaceful, Radiant
AbeerFragrance, Aroma
AmaanPeace, Safety

A Letter Names for Boy Muslim Latest

AabidWorshipper of God
AadilJust, Upright
AalimScholar, Learned
AamirPrince, Leader
AarizBold, Courageous
AayazCool breeze, Friendly
AahilGood Health, Prince
AamirProsperous, Full of Life
AarefKnowledgeable, Wise
AashirBlessed, Living long
AasimProtector, Guardian
AatishFire, Passionate
AdeelFair, Just
AashiqLover, Devoted
AqeelIntelligent, Wise
AzzamDetermined, Resolute
AfiqPious, Devout
AfnanFoliage, Branches
AyaanGift of God
AzizPowerful, Esteemed
AamirProsperous, Full of Life
AasifForgiving, Forgiveness
AzharRadiant, Shining
AdeelFair, Just
AibekNobility, A title of honor
AashfaqCompassionate, Kind
AlyanHigh, Elevated
AreebIntelligent, Skilled
AhsanThe Best, Most Excellent
AmeerLeader, Chief
AhsanBetter, More Excellent
AsifForgiving, Compassionate
AzeemGreat, Majestic
ArhamCompassionate, Merciful
AasimGuardian, Protector
AadilJustice, Fair
AamerProsperous, Thriving
AashirLiving Long, Blessed
AreebIntelligent, Wise
ArifKnowledgeable, Wise
AsherHappy, Blessed
AzaanCall to prayer, Zealous
ArhamMerciful, Compassionate
AfaqHorizons, Wide Range
AdeelJustice, Fairness
AreebSkilled, Intelligent
AymenBlessed, Fortunate
AhsanExcellence, Virtue
AzanCall to prayer, Adhan
AazimResolute, Determined
AmeerLeader, Chief
AfaqHorizons, Future
ArfanKnowledgeable, Grateful
AsadLion, Brave
AzharRadiant, Bright
AabidWorshipper of God
AashiqLover, Devotee
AfiqPure, Pious
AmmarLong-Lived, Blessed
AzaanCall to prayer, Sacred
AreebClever, Intelligent
AazimResolute, Determined
ArhamCompassionate, Merciful
AmeerLeader, Chief
ArifKnowledgeable, Experienced
AahilPrince, Leader
AasimProtector, Guardian
AzizPowerful, Esteemed
AlyanHigh, Elevated
AsadBrave, Lion
AzaanSacred call to prayer
AzharShining, Radiant
AzaimDetermined, Resolute
AhsanBest, Most Excellent
AmeenTrustworthy, Honest
AzizBeloved, Strong
AzaanCall to Prayer, Sacred
AsherHappy, Prosperous
AfnanBranches, Foliage
AseemProtector, Guardian
AabirFragrance, Perfume

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