Best 4 Letter Boy Names in Marathi [2024]

If you’re searching for a name that combines tradition with modern appeal, our list of popular 4 Letter Boy Names in Marathi is the perfect place to start. Each name on this list is rich in meaning and cultural significance.

Popular 4 Letter Marathi Boy Names

Ravi (रवि)Sun – Symbolizes energy, brightness, and vitality.
Yash (यश)Fame, Success – Denotes honor, achievement, and glory.
Kush (कुश)Lotus Flower – Represents purity, beauty, and divine presence.
Veer (वीर)Brave, Hero – Represents courage, valor, and heroism.
Amit (अमित)Boundless, Infinite – Signifies limitless potential and greatness.
Raju (राजू)King, Prince – Denotes royalty, leadership, and noble qualities.
Sane (साने)Wise, Enlightened – Symbolizes wisdom, clarity, and spiritual insight.
Neel (नील)Blue, Sapphire – Represents serenity, preciousness, and calmness.
Pank (पंक)Lotus, Water Lily – Symbolizes purity, beauty, and spiritual growth.
Dhir (धीर)Steadfast, Brave – Signifies strength, determination, and resilience.
Kavi (कवि)Poet, Sage – Represents creativity, wisdom, and artistic talent.
Gaur (गौर)Light, Radiance – Symbolizes brightness, purity, and spiritual illumination.
Nish (निश)Night – Represents calmness, tranquility, and the serene phase of the day.

4 Letter Boy Names in Marathi

अंश (Ansh)Part, Portion – Represents a fragment or a significant part of something.
आलोक (Alok)Light, Brightness – Symbolizes illumination, clarity, and enlightenment.
आप्त (Aapt)Trusted, Reliable – Represents someone who is dependable and trustworthy.
अमर (Amar)Immortal – Symbolizes eternal existence and timelessness.
अजय (Ajay)Unconquerable – Represents invincibility and success.
अतुल (Atul)Incomparable – Denotes something that is matchless and unique.
अनिल (Anil)Wind – Symbolizes the element of air and freedom.
अनूप (Anup)Unique, Incomparable – Represents someone who is exceptional and unparalleled.
अपूर्व (Apurv)Unique, Rare – Signifies something that is extraordinary and precious.
अभय (Abhay)Fearless – Symbolizes bravery and courage.
अरुण (Arun)Sun, Dawn – Represents the early morning light and new beginnings.
अमित (Amit)Boundless, Infinite – Symbolizes vastness and limitless nature.
अमोल (Amol)Priceless, Valuable – Denotes something of great worth and significance.
अनुज (Anuj)Younger Brother – Denotes a sibling relationship or someone who is cherished.
सिद्ध (Siddh)Achieved, Perfected – Signifies accomplishment and completion.

4-Letter Marathi Boy Names Inspired by Nature

Here’s a collection of 4-letter Marathi boy names in Marathi inspired by the beauty and elements of nature.

NameMeaningIn hindi
VayuWind – Represents the life force and breath of nature.वायु
RaviSun – Symbolizes energy, brightness, and life-giving force.रवि
NeelBlue, Sapphire – Represents the color of the sky and the depth of the sea.नील
AvirRadiance – Symbolizes brightness and the glow of the sun.अविर
RishiSage, Seer – Symbolizes wisdom and spiritual insight, often associated with the tranquility of nature.ऋषि
JalpWater – Symbolizes purity, life, and the essence of nature.जलप
GaurLight, Radiance – Represents the purity of the sun or the moonlight.गौर
TanuBody, Form – Represents the physical manifestation of natural elements.तनु
DhanWealth, Grain – Symbolizes the bounty of nature and agricultural abundance.धन
AarvPeaceful – Represents calmness and tranquility, often found in natural settings.आरव
RaviSun – Represents brightness and the force of nature.रवि
RutuSeason – Symbolizes the changing cycles and beauty of nature’s seasons.ऋतु
ShivAuspicious, Lord Shiva – Represents the natural balance of creation and destruction.शिव
PankLotus – Symbolizes purity, beauty, and divine presence.पंक
TaarStar – Represents the celestial objects and the beauty of the night sky.तारा
MayaIllusion, Enchantment – Symbolizes the wonder and magic of the natural world.माया
MuniHermit, Sage – Represents the calm and peaceful life often associated with nature.मुनि
SiddAchieved, Perfected – Symbolizes the perfection found in nature.सिद्ध
AvirRadiance – Represents the light and glow of natural elements.अविर
GaurLight, Radiance – Symbolizes the brightness of nature’s beauty.गौर
RajuKing, Prince – Represents the regal and majestic elements of nature.राजू
RaniQueen – Represents the beauty and majesty of nature’s elements.रानी
SanjSun – Represents the warmth and energy of the sun in nature.संज
VatsCalf, Child – Symbolizes the innocence and new beginnings in nature.वत्स
RanaJoyful, Happy – Represents the joy found in the natural world.राणा
NeelBlue – Represents the tranquility of the sky and the ocean.नील
KushLotus – Symbolizes purity, beauty, and divine growth.कुश
VaniSpeech, Voice – Represents the natural beauty and flow of expression.वाणी
JayaVictory – Symbolizes triumph and success, often found in nature’s cycles.जय
BaanArrow – Represents direction and the force of natural elements.बाण
ViveWisdom – Symbolizes the deep understanding of nature’s processes.विवे
RoshLight – Represents illumination and clarity in the natural world.रोश
MadhHoney – Symbolizes the sweetness and nourishment from nature.माध
HimaSnow – Represents purity, tranquility, and the cold beauty of nature.हिम
YashSuccess – Denotes honor and achievement, inspired by natural growth.यश
VeerBrave – Represents courage and strength found in natural elements.वीर
NishNight – Represents the calm and peaceful aspects of the natural world.निश
TanuBody – Symbolizes the physical presence and manifestation of nature.तनु
GaurLight – Symbolizes the radiant and pure aspects of nature.गौर
KaviPoet – Represents the artistic and creative expressions inspired by nature.कवि
YuvYouth – Symbolizes the vitality and energy of the natural world.युव
VasuWealth – Represents the abundance and prosperity found in nature.वसु
RathChariot – Represents the journey and movement through nature.रथ

4 Letter Marathi Boy Names Inspired by Hindu Deities

Here is a list of 4-letter Marathi boy names inspired by various Hindu deities.

NameMeaningHindi Font
RamaLord Rama – The hero of the Ramayana, symbolizing righteousness and virtue.राम
ShivLord Shiva – The god of destruction and regeneration, symbolizing transformation.शिव
KrishLord Krishna – The god of compassion and love, known for his divine play and teachings.कृष्ण
ShivLord Shiva – The god of creation and destruction, symbolizing cosmic balance.शिव
RaviSun God – Represents the solar deity, symbolizing power and radiance.रवि
KeshLord Shiva – One of Shiva’s names, meaning “One with long hair,” symbolizing strength and asceticism.केश
YashFame, Success – Denotes honor and achievement, reflecting divine grace and blessings.यश
AnilWind God – Represents the god of the wind, symbolizing movement and force.अनिल
IshaLord Shiva – Meaning “Supreme Lord,” symbolizing divine authority and protection.ईशा
AadiFirst, Original – Represents the original and primordial divine presence.आदि
SatyTruth – Represents the divine principle of truth and righteousness, related to Lord Rama.सत्य
DevaGod, Deity – Represents the divine essence, often used as a term for gods.देव
KushLotus Flower – Symbolizes purity and divinity, related to various deities.कुश
BaliKing Bali – Represents the demon king who was blessed by Lord Vishnu, symbolizing devotion.बलि
VasuWealth – Represents divine wealth and abundance, related to various deities.वसु
RathChariot – Symbolizes the divine chariot of gods, particularly Lord Krishna.रथ
JayaVictory – Represents divine victory and triumph, often associated with goddesses.जय
VishLord Vishnu – The preserver deity, representing divine protection and sustenance.विष
GaurLight, Radiance – Represents divine light, often associated with Lord Shiva.गौर
HariLord Vishnu – Represents the god of protection and sustenance.हरि
NaviNew, Fresh – Represents the new beginnings and freshness of divine grace.नवी
VenuFlute – Represents Lord Krishna’s divine music and charm.वेणु
AtriRishi Atri – A revered sage and divine figure in Hindu mythology.अत्रि
GiriMountain – Represents the strength and stability of Lord Shiva’s abode.गिरी
ChinConsciousness – Represents spiritual awareness and divine insight.चिन
GaurLight – Symbolizes the divine light and purity associated with various deities.गौर

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