Beautiful 2024 ᐅ C Letter Names for Girl in Telugu

By Stephen Daniel

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Explore a curated list of beautiful C Letter Names for Girl in Telugu. Find unique, traditional, and modern names with meanings, perfect for your little one.

Baby Girl names starting with C in Telugu

C Letter Names for Girl in Telugu


If you’re looking for Telugu baby girl names that start with the letter ‘C,’ you’ve come to the right place.

ChaaruviRadiant, brilliant
CheshtaEffort, desire
ChandanikaSmall sandalwood
ChahanaDesire, affection
ChanasyaPleasant, delightful
ChanasyaaSimilar to Chanasya, meaning pleasant or delightful
ChanchalRestless, playful
ChakranhiThe one who is born under the ‘Chakra’ (wheel)
ChaitanaPerception, consciousness
ChaithraName of a Hindu month (March-April), spring season
ChaghamaGoddess Saraswati
ChahetiLoved one, beloved
ChahnaLove, affection
ChahaWish, desire
ChanakshiIntelligent, wise
ChaahanaLonging, desire
ChaarumathiA person with a beautiful mind
ChaitriOf the month Chaitra
ChakshaniVisionary, perceptive
ChaitaliBorn in the month of Chaitra, or a lady with keen interest
ChaitaaliSame as Chaitali, born in the month of Chaitra
ChaarviBeautiful, lovely
ChatimaGentle, calm
CharulaBeautiful, pleasant
ChaitraName of a Hindu month (March-April), spring season
ChaayaShadow, reflection
ChandrataraStar of the moon, a star related to the moon
ChandrimaThe moonlight
ChandaliniGoddess Durga, destroyer of demons
ChampabatiName of a river
ChandramathiFull of moonlight, having a moon-like face
ChandraprabhaLight of the moon, moonlight
ChadnaLove, affection
ChandaMoon, fierce
ChandreyeeGoddess Lakshmi
ChandhrakaCrescent moon
ChandrapushpaMoonflower, a flower that blooms in moonlight
ChandrarupaBeautiful like the moon
ChaitrikaSpringtime, relating to the season of Chaitra
ChaitraviBorn in Chaitra month, bright, brilliant
ChainikaPeaceful, tranquil
CharitaGood character, virtuous
ChakrikaGoddess Lakshmi, one who has the divine disc
ChairavaliFull of consciousness, awake
ChakshuEye, vision
ChandralekshaA ray of the moon, moonbeam
ChandrakantiMoonlight, splendor of the moon
ChandiGoddess Durga, fierce goddess
ChandaniStar-like, moonlight
ChakriaA wheel, representing the cycle of time
ChandrabaliLoved by the moon, another name for Goddess Radha
ChangunaA good woman, virtuous
ChandanaSandalwood, soothing
ChandrabhagaName of a river
ChampikaSmall flower, diminutive of Champa
ChandravathiFull of moonlight, possessing moon-like qualities
ChalamaGentle, soft, flexible
ChancyLucky, fortunate
ChampakmalaGarland of Champa flowers
ChampamaliniGarland of Champa flowers
ChandramukhiMoon-faced, beautiful like the moon
ChannayaIntelligent, wise
CandanayikaChief among sandalwood, prominent
CandavatiGlittering, shining
CandikaFierce Goddess, another name for Goddess Durga
ChamakShine, brilliance
CandraMoon, shining
ChaaruBeautiful, graceful
CancalaUnsteady, restless
CandaniMade of sandalwood
CandaliniRadiant, glowing
CharikaOne who is on a journey, traveler
ChahekSmile, laughter
ChandrakalaCrescent moon, digits of the moon
ChandrajyotiLight of the moon
ChandrajaDaughter of the moon
ChandraniQueen of the moon, moonlight
ChanchariMoving, dancing
ChannakkaWise, intelligent
ChameliJasmine flower
ChandikaFierce Goddess, another name for Goddess Durga
ChapalaQuick, agile
ChanchalaRestless, moving
ChandralekhaMoonbeam, crescent moon
ChandrakiCrescent moon
ChandrakinHaving moon-like qualities, a small crescent moon
ChampakavathiPossessing the qualities of Champa flowers
ChandramaniJewel of the moon, moonstone
ChampakaliBud of the Champa flower
ChampaFragrant flower
ChakoriA bird that loves the moon, nightingale
ChandrakaliCrescent moon, a digit of the moon
ChintyaWorth considering, thought-provoking
CandiFierce, another name for Goddess Durga
CandarupaHaving the form of the moon, beautiful like the moon

C Letter Telugu Names Inspired by the Moon

ChandrimaThe moonlight
ChandramathiFull of moonlight, having a moon-like face
ChandraprabhaLight of the moon, moonlight
ChandaMoon, fierce
ChandreyeeGoddess Lakshmi
ChandhrakaCrescent moon
ChandrapushpaMoonflower, a flower that blooms in moonlight
ChandrarupaBeautiful like the moon
ChandralekshaA ray of the moon, moonbeam
ChandrakantiMoonlight, splendor of the moon
ChandaniStar-like, moonlight
ChandrabaliLoved by the moon, another name for Goddess Radha
ChandralekhaMoonbeam, crescent moon
ChandrakiCrescent moon
ChandrakinHaving moon-like qualities, a small crescent moon
ChandramaniJewel of the moon, moonstone
ChandrakalaCrescent moon, digits of the moon
ChandrajyotiLight of the moon
ChandrajaDaughter of the moon
ChandraniQueen of the moon, moonlight
ChandravathiFull of moonlight, possessing moon-like qualities
ChandramukhiMoon-faced, beautiful like the moon
ChandralekhaMoonbeam, crescent moon

C Letter Telugu Names Reflecting Virtue and Character

CharitaGood character, virtuous
CheshtaEffort, desire
ChahanaDesire, affection
ChanasyaPleasant, delightful
ChanasyaaPleasant, delightful
ChaitanaPerception, consciousness
ChaahanaLonging, desire
ChaitriOf the month Chaitra
CharumathiA person with a beautiful mind
ChainikaPeaceful, tranquil
ChakshaniVisionary, perceptive
ChairavaliFull of consciousness, awake
ChaitraviBorn in Chaitra month, bright, brilliant
ChatimaGentle, calm
CharulaBeautiful, pleasant
ChahetiLoved one, beloved
ChahnaLove, affection
ChahaWish, desire
ChampaFragrant flower
ChapalaQuick, agile
ChanchalaRestless, moving
ChandanaSandalwood, soothing
ChanchalRestless, playful
CharikaOne who is on a journey, traveler
ChinnamaniLittle jewel
ChintyaWorth considering, thought-provoking
ChintamaniA wish-fulfilling jewel
ChintakshiOne with thoughtful eyes
CharushreeBeautiful and auspicious

C Letter Telugu Names Inspired by Nature

ChaayaShadow, reflection
ChandrapushpaMoonflower, a flower that blooms in moonlight
ChampabatiName of a river
ChandramukhiMoon-faced, beautiful like the moon
ChampaFragrant flower
ChandanaSandalwood, soothing
ChapalaQuick, agile
ChampakmalaGarland of Champa flowers
ChampamaliniGarland of Champa flowers
ChandrakalaCrescent moon, digits of the moon
ChandrakantiMoonlight, splendor of the moon
ChandrabaliLoved by the moon, another name for Goddess Radha
ChandrakaliCrescent moon, a digit of the moon
ChakoriA bird that loves the moon, nightingale
ChandramaniJewel of the moon, moonstone
ChaitraName of a Hindu month (March-April), spring season
ChaayiniShadow-like, graceful
ChandralekhaMoonbeam, crescent moon
ChandrajaDaughter of the moon
ChaitraviBorn in Chaitra month, bright, brilliant
ChandralekshaA ray of the moon, moonbeam
ChannayaWise, intelligent
ChangunaA good woman, virtuous
ChandravathiFull of moonlight, possessing moon-like qualities
ChampaFragrant flower

C Letter Telugu Names Reflecting Beauty and Elegance

ChaaruviRadiant, brilliant
ChaarumathiA person with a beautiful mind
ChaarviBeautiful, lovely
ChaitraviBorn in Chaitra month, bright, brilliant
ChakrikaGoddess Lakshmi, one who has the divine disc
ChakshaniVisionary, perceptive
ChandralekhaMoonbeam, crescent moon
ChandrapushpaMoonflower, a flower that blooms in moonlight
ChandrarupaBeautiful like the moon
ChandaniStar-like, moonlight
ChandrakiCrescent moon
ChandrakinHaving moon-like qualities, a small crescent moon
CharulaBeautiful, pleasant
ChampaFragrant flower
ChapalaQuick, agile
ChampakaFragrant flower
CharikaOne who is on a journey, traveler
CharushreeBeautiful and auspicious
ChaitanaPerception, consciousness
ChaitaliBorn in the month of Chaitra
ChaitraviBorn in Chaitra month, bright, brilliant
ChariniFollower, devoted
CharitaGood character, virtuous
CharviBeautiful, lovely
ChaarumathiA person with a beautiful mind

C Letter Names for Girl in Telugu
C Letter Names for Girl in Telugu

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