Attractive ᐅ R letter names for girl in Telugu

Discover a curated list of beautiful R letter names for girl in Telugu. These names are rich in meaning, cultural significance, and are perfect for your little one. Explore traditional and modern options to find the perfect name that resonates with your heritage.

R letter names in Telugu girl

R letter names for girl in Telugu

Baby girl names starting with R in Telugu

RadhikaGoddess Radha; Successful; Prosperous
RupasiBeautiful woman
RamyaDelightful; Beautiful; Pleasing
RanpaleeWarrior; Brave
RangColor; Happiness
RashmiRay of light; Sunlight
RakshaProtection; Guard
RajasiWorthy of a king; Princess
RajiviniCollection of lotuses
RichaHymn; Verse; Praise
RakshitaProtected; Guarded
RatnambariJewel-like melody
RupeshwariGoddess of beauty
RanitaTinkling; Singing
RupaBeauty; Form
RuchiraBeautiful; Charming
RukminiGoddess Lakshmi; Consort of Lord Krishna
ReevaRiver; Flowing
RuchikaDesirous; Beautiful
RanjitaAdorned; Decorated
RajeshwariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RatimaGoddess Saraswati
ReeshaFeather; Line; Saintly
RiyaSinger; Graceful; Elegant
RomaGoddess Lakshmi; One with shiny hair
RajlaxmiGoddess of wealth; Queen of wealth
RuchiInterest; Taste; Delight
RajitaBrilliant; Illuminated
RoshniLight; Brightness
RatnavaliA collection of gems
RanjanaPleasing; Delightful
RaadhikaProsperity; Success; Goddess Radha
RukmaGolden; Bright
RekhaLine; Limit; Boundary
RuchitaBright; Shining; Elegant
RoshikaSaintly; Spiritual
RashmikaRay of light; Dazzling
RevanthiOne who moves swiftly; River
RajanvantiHonored; Respected
RatnaliBejewelled; Ornamented
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RudhiRise; Ascend
RamitaPleasing; Pleasing
RangithaColored; Cheerful
RamesvariGoddess of Rama; Goddess Durga
RishviSaintly; Knowledgeable
RavaliSuccess; Good fortune
RitishaGoddess of truth; Goddess of speech
RashanaBand; Bond
RubainaBright; Beautiful
RadhnyaKnowledgeable; Wise
RatnaprabhaLustrous jewel; Gem of radiance
RajulBrilliant; Illuminated
RajyamKingdom; Rule
RanamitaFriend in times of war
RohiniAscending; A star in Indian mythology; Wife of the moon
RoshitaIlluminated; Bright
ReepalLover; One who brings joy
RoopjotLight of beauty
RanjaniPleasing; Delightful
RajeshvariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RoshaniBrightness; Light
RachanaCreation; Design
RuhiSoul; A kind of flower
RajasiWorthy of a king; Princess
RamaniBeautiful woman; Lovable
RoopaForm; Beauty
RupinaAdorned with beauty
RashandaIlluminating; Shining
RakhiThread of protection (symbolic of the bond between brothers and sisters)
RanganaColorful; Cheerful
RachnaCreation; Design
RatiGoddess of love; Delight; Affection
ReenaGem; Goddess Lakshmi
RosyRose-like; Pinkish
RadhaGoddess Radha; Success; Prosperity
RajamaniJewel among kings; Queen
RukmaGolden; Bright
RakshasaMythological demon
RoopalBeautiful; Soft-spoken
RajulBrilliant; Illuminated
RajvaniEloquent speech; Royal speech
RangitaColored; Cheerful
RajiniNight; Goddess Durga
RamneekJoyous; Delightful
RajeshvariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RumaGoddess Durga; Beautiful
RashiCollection; Wealth
RajkamalRoyal lotus; Beautiful
RakheeThread of protection; Symbol of sibling bond
RajaniNight; Goddess Durga
RubyPrecious gemstone; Deep red
RaagaMelody; Music
RamanaEnchanting; Pleasing
RajiniNight; Goddess Durga
RachikaCreator; Designer
RashikaConnoisseur; Protector
RajithaBright; Brilliant
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RanjitaAdorned; Decorated
RajulBrilliant; Illuminated
RaniQueen; Princess
RajniNight; Goddess Durga
RajithaBright; Brilliant
RamithaPleasing; Lovable
RupikaGold coin; Beautiful
RatnaJewel; Gem
RituSeason; Period of time
RajeshvariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RavinaRadiant; Sunny
RupashiBeautiful woman
RajithaBright; Illuminated
RatnaprabhaLustrous jewel; Gem of radiance
RajeshwariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RavinaRadiant; Sunny
RuchiraBeautiful; Charming
RuchiInterest; Taste; Delight
RajvaniEloquent speech; Royal speech
RukminiGoddess Lakshmi; Consort of Lord Krishna
RamaGoddess Lakshmi; Pleasing
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RupaliBeautiful; Golden
RanjitaAdorned; Decorated
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RupaliBeautiful; Golden
RatiGoddess of love; Delight; Affection
RaviSun; Bright; Radiant
ReemaGoddess Lakshmi; Peaceful
RupikaGold coin; Beautiful
RamitaPleasing; Lovable
RajeevLotus flower; King
RichaHymn; Verse; Praise
RatnaprabhaLustrous jewel; Gem of radiance
RoshaniBrightness; Light
RashanaBand; Bond
RajeshwariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RakshitaProtected; Guarded
RajithaBright; Brilliant
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RupaliBeautiful; Golden
RuchiInterest; Taste; Delight
RaniQueen; Princess
RajniNight; Goddess Durga
RupaliBeautiful; Golden
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RanjaniPleasing; Delightful
RajaniNight; Goddess Durga
RajeshwariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RajithaBright; Brilliant
RajaniNight; Goddess Durga
RajiviniCollection of lotuses
RuchikaDesirous; Beautiful
RajulBrilliant; Illuminated
RavinaRadiant; Sunny

R letter names for girl in Telugu Associated with Nature

RadhikaSuccessful; Prosperous (related to Goddess Radha, who is associated with nature)
RaginiMelody; A musical note (natural element: music)
RajivLotus flower
RakshaProtection; Guard (nature as a protective force)
RamaGoddess Lakshmi (associated with fertility and the Earth)
RamitaPleasing; Lovable
RanjanaPleasing; Delightful
RashmiRay of light; Sunlight
RavinaRadiant; Sunny
RevaA star; Swift
RheaFlowing; River; A mythological nymph
RidhiProsperity; Good fortune (symbolic of natural abundance)
RinaJoyful; Pure
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RivaMaiden; Shore
RiyaSinger; Graceful; Elegant
RohiniAscending; A star in Indian mythology; Wife of the moon
RoopaForm; Beauty
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RudraA name for Lord Shiva (associated with storms and nature’s fierce aspects)
RupaliBeautiful; Golden
RupikaGold coin (symbolizing the wealth of the Earth)
RushiSage; Wise man (associated with the natural wisdom of the Earth)
RutuSeason; Period of time
RachanaCreation; Arrangement
RajniNight; Goddess Durga (associated with the night sky)
RaginiMelody; A musical note
RajulBrilliant; Illuminated (symbolizing light)
RamyaBeautiful; Pleasant
RaniQueen; Princess
ReenaMelodious; Calm
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RohitRed; A first ray of sun
RoshniLight; Brightness
RukminiGoddess Lakshmi; Gold (associated with prosperity and nature)
RutujaDerived from seasons; Related to nature
RutuSeason; Period of time
RekhaLine; A natural pattern
RasikaConnoisseur; Protector
RadhyaWorshipper of Lord Krishna; Successful
RajaniNight; Goddess Durga
ReemaGoddess Durga; Beautiful
RajeevLotus flower
RichaHymn; Verse
RinaPure; Joyful
RinaMelody; Pure

R letter Telugu Girl Names with Mythological Significance

RadhaLord Krishna’s beloved; Successful
RadhikaGoddess Radha; Successful; Prosperous
RaghavLord Rama; Descendant of Raghu
RaginiA form of Goddess Durga; Melody
RamaGoddess Lakshmi; Pleasing; Lord Rama
RamanaEnchanting; Pleasing
RameshLord Vishnu; Preserver
RamitaPleasing; Lovable
RanjaniPleasing; Delightful
RanjitaAdorned; Decorated
RashmiRay of light; Sunlight
RatiGoddess of love; Delight; Affection
RavindraLord of the Sun
RavinaRadiant; Sunny
ReemaGoddess Durga; Beautiful
RheaMythological nymph; Flowing; River
RishabhSuperior; Morality
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RishiSage; Wise man
RitaTruth; Way of life
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RohiniAscending; A star in Indian mythology; Wife of the moon
RudraA name for Lord Shiva; Fierce; Storm
RukminiGoddess Lakshmi; Gold
RupaliBeautiful; Golden
RupikaGold coin (symbolic of the wealth of the Earth)
RutujaDerived from seasons; Related to nature
RajaniNight; Goddess Durga
RajeshwariGoddess Parvati; Queen of kings
RamyaBeautiful; Pleasant
RishiSage; Wise man
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RohanAscending; Lord Vishnu
RohitRed; A first ray of sun
RoshniLight; Brightness
RukminiGoddess Lakshmi; Gold (associated with prosperity and nature)
RutuSeason; Period of time
RekhaLine; A natural pattern
RasikaConnoisseur; Protector
RadhyaWorshipper of Lord Krishna; Successful
RajeevLotus flower; King
ReenaGoddess Lakshmi; Pure
RajiniNight; Goddess Durga
RajithaBright; Brilliant
RajulBrilliant; Illuminated

Modern and Trendy R letter names for girl in Telugu

RheaFlowing; River; A mythological nymph
ReevaRiver; Star
RiyaSinger; Graceful; Elegant
RevaA star; Swift
RehanScented; Sweet-scented (inspired by nature)
RivaMaiden; Shore
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RinaPure; Joyful
RivaanOne who is blessed with speech; Star
RishikaSaintly; Knowledgeable; Female saint
RuchiraTasty; Pleasant
RitikaJoyful; Happy
RuhiSoul; A music lover
RohitRed; A first ray of sun
RashiCollection; Wealth
RavinaRadiant; Sunny
RajviBrave; Proud
RiaSinger; Graceful; Elegant
RivanSacred; Star
RishanGood human being; Moral
RitvikPriest; One who chants mantras
RaahiTraveler; Wanderer
Attractive ᐅ R letter names for girl in Telugu
R letter names for girl in Telugu

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