300 Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names | Baby Names

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is an important part of Vedic astrology and is the 25th Nakshatra. It is ruled by Jupiter and has a symbol of a man with two faces, which represents wisdom and duality. This Nakshatra is known for its strong spiritual energy and creativity.

If your baby is born under Purva Bhadrapada, you might want to choose a name that reflects its positive qualities, like intelligence, compassion, and a connection to something greater. Names starting with the letters Se, So, Da, Di, Daa, and Dee are considered lucky for children born under this Nakshatra.

In this guide, you’ll find 300 baby names for boys and girls that match the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Each name comes with its meaning, so you can choose one that feels right for your child. Whether you’re looking for traditional or unique names, this list will help you find the perfect name that carries the essence of this special Nakshatra!

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra : Detailed Insights

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 25th nakshatra in Vedic astrology and is quite special. It is represented by a man with two faces, symbolizing balance and duality. This nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter (Guru), which is known for wisdom and spiritual growth. The name “Purva Bhadrapada” means “the first of the blessed feet,” suggesting that it brings good beginnings and spiritual journeys.

300 Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Located in the zodiac sign of Kumbha (Aquarius), it stretches from 20° Kumbha to 3°20′ Meena. The deity associated with this nakshatra is Ajaikapada, an ancient fire dragon, representing strength and transformation. The element of air is linked to Purva Bhadrapada, highlighting communication, intellect, and creativity.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is known for its strong connection to creativity and transformation, encouraging individuals to harness their inner strength and wisdom.

People born under this nakshatra are often seen as creative thinkers with a strong interest in spirituality. They tend to be friendly and enjoy social interactions, making Purva Bhadrapada a unique and influential part of astrology.

Important Details of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

NakshatraPurva Bhadrapada
Nakshatra Number25
LetterSe, So, Dha, Dhi, Di, Daa, and Dee
MeaningThe first of the blessed feet
Ruling PlanetGuru (Jupiter)
SymbolMan with two faces
DeityAjaikapada, an ancient fire dragon
Zodiac SignKumbha (Aquarius)
GanaManushya (Human)
NatureSattvic (pure, harmonious)
Associated StarsMarkab & ẞ Pegasi
Indian Zodiac20° Kumbha – 3°20′ Meena
Western Zodiac13°46′ – 27°06′ Pisces
Favorable ActivitiesSpiritual practices, creative endeavors, and learning

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Name Letters (syllables)

For children born under Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, the auspicious name letters are:

  • Se
  • So
  • Dha
  • Dhi
  • Di
  • Daa
  • Dee

Names starting with these syllables are believed to enhance positive traits and align individuals with the nakshatra’s energies, promoting good fortune and harmonious life experiences for those named accordingly

Famous Personalities Born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Here’s the table with shorter descriptions:

Notable PersonalitiesDescription
Sachin TendulkarLegendary Indian cricketer.
Shah Rukh KhanIconic Indian film actor.
Priyanka ChopraAcclaimed actress and singer.
Kate MiddletonDuchess of Cambridge, known for charity work.
Prince WilliamDuke of Cambridge, involved in charitable activities.
Martin Luther King Jr.Influential civil rights leader.
Michael JacksonRenowned pop singer and entertainer.
Madame CuriePioneering physicist and chemist.

300 Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names

Here are Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names with the specified syllables Se, So, Dha, Dhi, Di, Daa, and Dee, including their meanings.

Names Starting with Se

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. SeshadriLord Shiva1. SeemaBoundary
2. SeshanOne who is eternal2. SejalRiver water
3. SelvamWealthy3. SelaBlessed
4. SerajKing of the world4. SelviGoddess of wealth
5. SetuBridge5. SeerathFull of grace
6. SelvanProsperous6. SeemaalaOne who brings peace
7. SeetharCalm, peaceful7. SetuBridge
8. SenanA soldier8. SenkaBrightness
9. SeelanA good person9. SelinaMoonlight
10. SeerajKing of all10. SelinaLight
11. SekharOne who wears a crown11. SeemaakshiGoddess Parvati
12. SelwynGood friend12. SeelamAuspicious
13. SethuramanLord Rama13. SelynCalm
14. SehwagSuccessful14. SeharDaybreak
15. SelimPeaceful15. SeljaHappiness
16. SevakServant16. SelikaFlower
17. SeemantOne who is knowledgeable17. SefikaCourageous
18. SekarBright18. SerahPrincess
19. SefatOne who is faithful19. SeeratBlessed
20. SetuConnection20. SelmaProtection

Names Starting with So

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. SomeshLord of the moon1. SoniaWisdom
2. SomnathLord Shiva2. SonikaBeautiful
3. SonuCharming3. SonalPrecious
4. SohamI am He4. SohaMorning light
5. SomilGood friend5. SomyaPure
6. SohanProsperous6. SojiBright
7. SolinLight7. SolitaSunlight
8. SorenRising sun8. SolangCalm
9. SolankiSun rays9. SoniyaGod’s gift
10. SolySun-like10. SomiLovely
11. SonamWorthy11. SonaGold
12. SoorajSun12. SonamName of a flower
13. SorabhA good man13. SolinaSunray
14. SomitPeaceful14. SophiyaWisdom
15. SohelThe one who shines15. SonaliBeautiful daughter
16. SorinRadiant16. SojithaOne who is bright
17. SohelBrilliance17. SomeshwariGoddess Durga
18. SoryanBrightness18. SooryaSunshine
19. SookeshDivine19. SomishaBeautiful soul
20. SomilGood friend20. SooriyaMorning light

Names Starting with Dha

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. DharmeshLord of righteousness1. DharaEarth
2. DhavalWhite2. DhivyaDivine
3. DhananjayWinner of wealth3. DhanyaSuccessful
4. DhruvUnshakeable4. DhanviGoddess Lakshmi
5. DharmendraLord of righteousness5. DhaminiOne who brings good fortune
6. DhanvinWealthy person6. DhanyaOne who is prosperous
7. DhanrajKing of wealth7. DharaEarth
8. DhanuA sign of good luck8. DhanyaAbundance
9. DhanishLord of wealth9. DhiyaLight
10. DhayalanOne who is confident10. DhaminiLucky
11. DhivakarLord of light11. DhanikaWealthy
12. DhruvanSteadfast12. DhiyanshiIntelligent
13. DhanrajKing of wealth13. DhanyaSuccessful
14. DharmikRighteous14. DhitiCourage
15. DhilanTo shine bright15. DhanitaWealthy
16. DhanishkStrong16. DhivyaDivine
17. DhavakStrength17. DhayanitaRuler
18. DhariHolder of life18. DhiraFirm
19. DhavalrajBrightness19. DhakshitaQuick
20. DhamaDivine soul20. DhaminiOne who brings good fortune

Names Starting with Dhi

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. DhirajSteady, calm1. DhiyaSplendour; Light
2. DhimaanIntelligent2. DhimahiWisdom
3. DhirenStrong3. DhiryaPatience; Intelligent; Clever
4. DhivyaDivine4. DhikshaInitiated into a Religious Order
5. DhitikaOne who is courageous5. DhiranaDelighting in Devotion
6. DhilanOne who shines6. DhitikaWise; Thoughtful
7. DhiruCalm
8. DhishLearned; Intelligent; King
9. DhirWise; Patient
10. DhivakarThe Sun
11. DhitSatisfied; Pleased
12. DhianMeditation; Contemplation
13. DhijaGod Gift
14. DhiraPatient; Tolerant; Intelligent
15. DhimatPossessed with Wisdom

Names Starting with Di

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. DiyaLamp, light1. DiyaLamp, light
2. DineshLord of the stars2. DiraStar
3. DhirenStrong3. DishaDirection
4. DigvijayConqueror of the world4. DitiKnowledge
5. DilipKing of the earth5. DishaDirection
6. DineshGod of wealth6. DitiGoddess Durga
7. DivakarSun God7. DiyaLight
8. DihanJoyful8. DitiGoddess Durga
9. DiteshGod of directions9. DithiEarth
10. DivenTo shine10. DitiKnowledge
11. DinishLord Shiva11. DithyaLight
12. DiloramRadiant soul12. DivyaDivine
13. DithyanSupreme god13. DijiBeautiful
14. DimasLight of God14. DimlaBrightness
15. DipeshLord of light15. DinikaDivine
16. DithinBright16. DishaDirection
17. DithinBright17. DiyaLamp, light
18. DilipKing of the earth18. DithyaLight
19. DilanRadiant19. DiyanLight
20. DivyeshGod of heaven20. DitiEarth

Names Starting with Daa

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. DaakshaLord Shiva1. DaanviKind-hearted
2. DaamodharLord Krishna2. DaanishaGift of God
3. DaaryaOne who is generous3. DaaishaOne who is beautiful
4. DaatriOne who protects4. DaavikaGoddess Durga
5. DaityaA member of the divine race5. DaanyaOne who is knowledgeable
6. DaasServant6. DaishaBrightness
7. DaanGift7. DaanyaKind-hearted
8. DaaneshLord of gifts8. DaavitaOne who is bright
9. DahrunRadiant9. DaanikaLovely
10. DayaCompassionate10. DaaniGifted
11. DaivDivine11. DaanyaKind-hearted
12. DaashOne who is intelligent12. DaanaKind-hearted
13. DaanshGod of knowledge13. DaashiniOne who shines
14. DaavLord of love14. DaajiBrave
15. DaanishWealthy15. DaariProtector
16. DaatanOne who is wise16. DaanikaKind-hearted
17. DaatinStrong17. DaalikaOne who is unique
18. DaayakOne who helps18. DaalikaUnique
19. DaashaOne who is skilled19. DaaliGood fortune
20. DaahirBright light20. DaanviKind-hearted

Names Starting with Dee

Boys’ NamesMeaningGirls’ NamesMeaning
1. DeepakLamp, light1. DeepikaLight
2. DeekshaInitiation2. DeekshaInitiation
3. DevenGod3. DeepaliLight
4. DeepeshLord of light4. DeevaGoddess Durga
5. DeeneshLord of the pious5. DeetiGift of God
6. DevarajKing of Gods6. DeevikaOne who brings light
7. DeepshikhaFlame of a lamp7. DeeyaGoddess Durga
8. DeenanLord Krishna8. DeekshaInitiation
9. DeeshLord of the world9. DeeyanaLamp
10. DevidDivine10. DeekshaInitiation
11. DheerajSteadfast11. DeemikaOne who brings joy
12. DeepitBright light12. DeeyaDivine light
13. DeekitThe wise one13. DeeptiBrightness
14. DevanshPart of God14. DeeptiLight
15. DeevGod of light15. DeepshikhaBright light
16. DevalDivine16. DevakiDivine mother
17. DevratOne who has devoted himself17. DeeyaLight
18. DeyvanshDivine part18. DeekshaGift of God
19. DevendraKing of Gods19. DeekshaInitiation
20. DeeteshKing of the Gods20. DeeptiLight

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