200 Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Names

Purva Phalguni, also known as Pooram, is the 11th Nakshatra in Vedic astrology. Governed by Venus, this Nakshatra is known for its association with love, beauty, creativity, and artistic expression. Represented by the symbol of a fig tree, Purva Phalguni signifies growth, fertility, and prosperity. Individuals born under this Nakshatra often exhibit charm, sociability, and a captivating personality. They are known for their artistic talents and tend to attract others with their magnetic energy.

When selecting a name for a girl born under Purva Phalguni, parents typically seek names that embody the essence of beauty, creativity, and grace. Such names not only reflect the personality traits associated with this Nakshatra but also carry profound meanings that resonate with love and vibrancy. This article presents a curated list of names for girls born under Purva Phalguni, complete with their meanings, cultural significance, and related traits.

Explore 200 unique and meaningful Purva Phalguni Nakshatra baby names for boys and girl

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Detailed Insights

200 Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Names
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Names

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, the 11th of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology, spans from 13°20′ to 26°40′ in the Leo zodiac (Simha Rashi). Known for its association with joy, creativity, and luxury, this nakshatra has a significant influence on the personality and destiny of those born under it.

Important Details of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra:

NakshatraPurva Phalguni
Nakshatra Number11th
LetterMo, Ta, Ti, Te
MeaningFirst reddish one
Ruling PlanetVenus (Shukra)
SymbolSwinging Hammock or Front Legs of a Bed
DeityBhaga (God of Wealth and Prosperity)
Zodiac SignLeo (Simha Rashi)
GanaManushya Gana (Human)
NatureBalanced and Harmonious
Associated StarsZosma & Chertan
Indian Zodiac13°20′ – 26°40′
Western Zodiac7°06′ – 20°26′ Virgo
Favorable ActivitiesMarriage, socializing, creative pursuits

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Name Letters

Choosing names for babies born under the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is important for aligning them with the nakshatra’s energy. The ideal starting letters are:

  • Mo
  • Ta
  • Ti
  • Te

These syllables are considered auspicious and align with the creative and joyful energy of Purva Phalguni.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Lord

The ruling deity of Purva Phalguni is Bhaga, the god of wealth and prosperity. Bhaga’s blessings bring success in relationships and material comforts. The planetary ruler of this nakshatra is Venus (Shukra), which enhances the love for beauty, luxury, and creativity. Venus also governs romance and artistic expression, which often influences the personality traits of individuals born under this nakshatra.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Symbol

The symbol associated with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is a swinging hammock or the front legs of a bed. This symbol represents relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure. Natives of this nakshatra are often inclined towards a balanced life, where they enjoy the finer things but also maintain a carefree and peaceful attitude.

Famous Personalities Born in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

Many famous personalities who exude charm, creativity, and charisma were born under the influence of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. Some notable figures include:

Famous PersonalitiesProfession
Marlon BrandoLegendary Hollywood actor
Jennifer LawrenceAward-winning Hollywood actress
Amitabh BachchanIconic Bollywood actor

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra baby Names

Pubba Nakshatra boy names starting with “Mo”:

MohanCharming, Attractive
MokshithLiberated, Free
MounishLord Shiva, Silent
MohitEnchanted, Attracted
MonishLord of Mind
MokshaSalvation, Liberation
MohanlalAttractive and Honorable
MohakFascinating, Alluring
MohnishIntelligent, Smart
MosesDelivered from Water
MokshitFreedom, Liberation
MohanrajAttractive King
MoudgalyaA Sage Name
MokshendraKing of Liberation
MontekSteadfast, King of Mountains
MoksharajKing of Salvation
MopuruStrong, Resilient
MokshivDesire for Salvation
MogulGreat Emperor
MonidipJewel of Wisdom
MohandasServant of Attractiveness
MoharCharm, Gift
MohakshOne with Attractive Eyes
MoninderKing of Mind

Pubba Nakshatra girl names starting with “Mo”:

MounikaSilence, Calm
MohiniEnchantress, Attractive
MokshaSalvation, Liberation
MonishaIntelligent, Noble
MohitaAttracted, Fascinated
MokshitaFree, Liberated
MonaliSmart, Tender
MohanaAttractive, Beautiful
MohiniyaGoddess of Beauty
MonikaAdvisor, Wise
MounithaCalm, Quiet
MohithaEnthralled, Fascinated
MouliCrown, Sacred Thread
MonalikaIntelligent, Precious
MoudhikaFragrant, Pleasant
MoinaSoft, Gentle
MohulTenderness, Softness
MoulyaValuable, Priceless
MohitriBestower of Beauty
MonisaRuler of Wisdom
MoupriyaDear, Loved
MokshikaLiberated Soul
MohanikaBeautiful Eyes
MouniraLight, Radiance

Pubba Nakshatra boy names starting with “Ta”:

TarunYoung, Youthful
TanmayEngrossed, Absorbed
TanishAmbition, Desire
TapanSun, Heat
TaarakStar, Protector
TarvinderGod of Heaven
TarushConqueror, Victorious
TanvikDivine, Precious
TanmayeeEcstatic, Involved
TanishqJewel, Precious
TarangWave, Rhythm
TajasSharpness, Brilliance
TakshKing Bharata’s Son
TavishHeaven, Sky
TanujSon, Descendant
TaarushConqueror, Brave
TathagataAnother Name of Buddha
TarendraLord of Stars
TanvikeshRadiant, Powerful
TakshakCarpenter, Snake
TamasDarkness, Night
TarvishStrong Desire, Wish
TansukhComfortable, Happy

Pubba Nakshatra girl names starting with “Ta”:

TanviDelicate, Beautiful
TariniGoddess Durga, Saviour
TanyaFairy Queen, Worthy
TanishaAmbition, Desire
TaranaMelody, Song
TanujaDaughter, Princess
TapasyaMeditation, Austerity
TashaBorn on Christmas Day
TavishiCourage, Strength
TanishkaGoddess of Gold
TaruniYoung Girl, Maiden
TakshikaBeautiful Eyes
TasmikaA Gifted, Clever Woman
TarunikaYoung, Tender
TanvikaDivine Beauty
TapasiA Devout Woman
TanshikaGoddess Laxmi
TarishaWish, Desire
TavishaHeaven, Strength
TanimaSlender, Graceful
TashikaGift of God
TanushreeBeautiful, Elegant
TasmiyaPraise, Glorification
TapushiQueen of Meditation
TanupriyaBeloved Daughter

Pubba Nakshatra boy names starting with “Ti”:

TirthHoly Place, Pilgrimage
TishanName of Lord Shiva
TihanSerenity, Calmness
TisyaFortunate, Auspicious
TirupHoly, Sacred
TirthankarLord of Holy Places
TihanashLord of Peace
TishirLord of Cold
TisweshController of All
TirtheshGod of Pilgrimage
TisyanBlessed, Auspicious
TilakSacred Mark
TikshanSharp, Acute
TilakrajCrown Prince
TirunelPure, Sacred
TilottamMost Beautiful
TirthanHoly River
TirkshitDesire to Overcome
TiharajKing of Serenity
TivanHeaven, Paradise
TihakarPeaceful Leader
TihvayPure, Clean

Pubba Nakshatra girl names starting with “Ti”:

TiaHappiness, Princess
TilottamaMost Beautiful Woman
TishaJoy, Happiness
TithiDate, Auspicious Day
TikshaSharp, Bright
TitikshaPatience, Forgiveness
TisyaFortunate, Auspicious
TimiraDarkness, Night
TisitaJoyful, Cheerful
TiyanaBeautiful Princess
TishaanaPowerful and Strong
TinishaAmbition, Dream
TiyaaliGreat Leader
TilishaArtistic, Creative
TikshitaSharp Minded, Intelligent
TisamikaStrong, Capable
TiyanshiVery Graceful, Elegant
TihanaGoddess of Serenity
TihiraPure, Holy
TisavaniPure Soul
TiraArrow, Holy
TithiraOverflowing Joy
TinayaGentle, Soft
TishayaBright and Clear
TiminiBright Sparkling

Pubba Nakshatra boy names starting with “Te”:

TejasBrilliance, Sharpness
TeerthHoly Place, Pilgrimage
TejendraLord of Power
TejaswinGlorious, Radiant
TejasviEnergetic, Bright
TejveerBrave and Bright
TejalLustrous, Brilliant
TejusRadiance, Splendour
TejasvithOne Who Radiates Energy
TejeshGod of Power
TeerthrajKing of Holy Places
TejwantFull of Light
TejavardhOne Who Increases Brilliance
TejshriGlorious, Victorious
TejpalProtector of Light
TekendraGod of Strength
TeeravPure, Sacred
TeeravishPure King
TejbirBrave and Radiant
TeerayanHoly Journey
TejankFull of Brilliance
TejraajRuler of Light
TeeshanProtector of Light
TekdarBrave Warrior

Pubba Nakshatra girl names starting with “Te”:

TejaswiniRadiant, Glorious
TejalBright, Lustrous
TeerthaHoly Water, Sacred River
TejasviBrilliant, Energetic
TejuLustrous, Radiant
TekshikaSharp, Intelligent
TeerthaPilgrimage, Holy Water
TejaminiRadiant, Bright
TeeraviPure, Holy
TejithaGlowing, Victorious
TejasviniStrong and Brilliant
TeetashaDivine Light
TejupriyaLoved by Light
TejasvatiRadiant, Glorious
TejashreeBright, Powerful
TeelikaSmall, Sacred Mark
TeeshalSoft, Gentle
TejaminiFull of Radiance
TejikaGift of Light
TeekshaSharpness, Intellectual
TejaliniRadiant, Glorious
TeeraniSacred River
TejyanshiVery Bright
TejmitraFriend of Light
TeekshitaSharp and Brilliant

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