300+ Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names: An Introduction

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 26th Nakshatra in Vedic astrology and is an important guide for many parents when choosing names for their babies. This Nakshatra is represented by a twin and is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is known for qualities like wisdom, spirituality, and compassion.

Parents often believe that a name connected to Uttara Bhadrapada can shape their child’s personality and future. Names from this Nakshatra usually have meanings related to knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment. They embody the Nakshatra’s characteristics of stability, creativity, and a quest for deeper insights.

In this collection, we offer over 300 Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names for boys and girls . These names are not only lovely but also meaningful, giving parents many options to choose from. Whether you prefer traditional, modern, or unique names, you’ll find a variety that fits your family’s values and dreams. Dive into the world of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra names and discover the perfect name for your little one!

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Detailed Insights

The Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 26th nakshatra in Vedic astrology, symbolizing depth, wisdom, and a strong connection to spirituality. Individuals born under this nakshatra are known for their introspective nature, creativity, and philosophical outlook on life.

300+ Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names

This nakshatra is ruled by Saturn, adding depth and seriousness to the personalities of those born under it. The symbol of a snake in the water signifies hidden knowledge, transformation, and deep emotional insights. The deity, Ahirbudhnya, further represents the mysterious depths of the ocean and the unconscious mind, making this nakshatra ideal for spiritual seekers and researchers.

Important Details of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

NakshatraUttara Bhadrapada | Uthrittathy
Nakshatra Number26
LetterDu, Tha, Jha, Na, Gna, Jna, Da and Gy
MeaningThe second of the blessed feet
Ruling PlanetShani (Saturn)
SymbolTwins, snake in the water
DeityAhirbudhnya, the serpent or dragon of the deep
Zodiac SignMeena (Pisces)
GanaManushya (Human)
NatureTamasic (heavy, lethargic)
Associated StarsPegasi & Andromedae
Indian Zodiac3°20′ – 16°40′ Meena
Western Zodiac27°06′ Pisces – 10°26′ Aries
Favorable ActivitiesSpiritual practices, creativity, research, and deep thinking

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Name Letters

For children born under the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, names starting with specific syllables are believed to bring good fortune and align with the nakshatra’s energies. The auspicious name letters are:

  • Da
  • Du
  • Tha
  • Na
  • Gna
  • Gy
  • Jha
  • Jna

These syllables are considered ideal for creating names that resonate with the characteristics of the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Famous Personalities Born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Notable Personality Description
Aishwarya Rai BachchanIndian actress, former Miss World.
Virat KohliIndian cricketer, former national team captain.
Pandit Ravi ShankarSitar virtuoso, popularized Indian classical music.
Indira GandhiFormer Prime Minister of India.
Robert F. KennedyAmerican politician, civil rights advocate.
Cary GrantBritish-American actor in classic Hollywood films.

300+ Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Baby Names

Boy Names Starting with “Du”

DushyantaDestroyer of evil, name of a mythological king
DundubhiDrum of victory
DurpadGlorious, victorious
DushkritOne who avoids evil actions
DuttGiven, granted (often referring to a gift from God)
DurbhikshaFamine, difficult times
DutrajChief among messengers
DuharshaOne who cannot be humiliated
DushpradakshaOne who is difficult to surpass
DurviharLiving in difficult or challenging circumstances

Girl Names Starting with “Du”

DuvitaUnique, rare
DurpatiOne who is difficult to overcome
DushyaniQueen who overcomes evil
DurmikaVirtuous, pure
DuvishaDivine vision, spiritual insight
DurjanaWise and prudent woman
DurvithaHard to attain, precious
DurviUnyielding, strong-willed
DurishaOne who possesses great strength
DuhitaDaughter, beloved girl

Boy Names Starting with “Tha”

ThaarakStar, protector
TharunYoung, youthful
TharvikCourageous, brave
ThaneeshLord of the earth
TharvHoly, sacred
ThanishAmbition, desire
TharvinOne who is wise and intelligent
TharveshLord of the sky
ThaveshGod of love
ThayalanOne who is compassionate

Girl Names Starting with “Tha”

ThaarikaStar, protector
ThalikaMoonlight, beautiful
ThariniEarth, the one who saves
ThanyaPrincess, one who is blessed
ThavishaGoddess Durga, strong and powerful
ThashviBrilliant, intelligent
ThabitaJoyful, cheerful
ThashinaCalm, peaceful
ThavishaPowerful goddess
ThanyaOne who is successful

Boy Names Starting with “Jha”

JhalakGlimpse, sparkle
JhamatOne who is compassionate
JharakStrong, powerful
JhankaarSound of the musical instrument
JhanshA person with great strength
JhavirBrilliant, knowledgeable
JhalarBright, shining
JharvWinner, victorious
JhadeeshLord of the jungle
JhanshwarKing of Jhanak

Girl Names Starting with “Jha”

JharnaWaterfall, a stream
JhansiA city known for bravery
JhalakGlimpse, sparkle
JhariniOne who flows like a river
JhasnaOne who is bright and shining
JharikaA flower, a symbol of beauty
JhansiA brave woman
JhalakshitaOne who shines bright
JhaynaThe moon, beautiful and radiant
JhanviRiver Ganga, pure and sacred

Here are boy and girl names starting with Tra, along with their meanings:

Boy Names Starting with “Tra”

TradeshLord Shiva, one who is powerful
TrayanProtector, guardian
TrilokLord of the three worlds
TrayanOne who is blissful and joyful
TrivendraLord of the three worlds, another name for Lord Shiva
TrajCourageous, brave
TrashikOne who is mighty
TrayanOne who is supreme
TrikayThree-bodied, a term for Lord Vishnu

Girl Names Starting with “Tra”

TraishaProsperous, one who brings happiness
TrishaThirst, desire
TramikaA woman who is wise
TrayaGoddess Durga, one who is powerful
TramaOne who is calm and composed
TrinayaGoddess Durga, a form of power

Here are boy and girl names starting with Da, Na, Gna, Gy, and Jna, along with their meanings:

Boy Names Starting with “Da”

DakshCapable, skilled
DarshanVision, sight, or divine sight
DanishKnowledge, wisdom
DamodarName of Lord Krishna, one with a rope around his waist
DarpanMirror, one who reflects
DarshanTo see, glimpse
DayanandCompassionate, one who brings joy
DaksinSouth direction
DavanA strong man
DawoodBeloved, friend

Girl Names Starting with “Da”

DakshaCompetent, talented
DaminiLightning, one who is bright
DayaCompassion, kindness
DarikaYoung girl, maiden
DarshiniVisionary, one who sees
DaryaSea, ocean
DaishaGoddess of the moon
DarpanaA reflection, mirror
DakshinaGift, donation
DahliaA flower name, representing elegance

Boy Names Starting with “Na”

NakulMongoose, one who is clever
NandanSon, joyful
NashitOne who is wise
NavdeepNew light, brightness
NashThe one who brings joy
NayanEye, sight
NarayanLord Vishnu, one who is supreme
NashitIntelligent, clever
NamanSalutation, respect
NavinNew, modern

Girl Names Starting with “Na”

NainaEyes, beautiful eyes
NamitaHumble, modest
NandiniDelightful, one who brings joy
NavyaWorthy, new, fresh
NarayaniGoddess Lakshmi, one who is auspicious
NashitaIntelligent, clever
NaliniLotus, one who is beautiful
NabhaSky, heaven
NirmalaPure, spotless
NatashaBorn on Christmas day

Boy Names Starting with “Gna”

GnaneshLord of knowledge
GnaniWise, knowledgeable
GnaneshwarGod of knowledge
GnanavWise, learned
GnanshankarLord Shiva, the enlightened one
GnathGuide, leader
GnanamKnowledge, wisdom
GnatheshLord of knowledge
GnareshLord of wisdom
GnaakaOne who is learned

Girl Names Starting with “Gna”

GnaanaKnowledge, wisdom
GnanitaIntelligent, wise
GnayaA knowledgeable person
GnayiniA learned woman
GnaayaOne who understands
GnaariThe enlightened one
GnapikaThe learned one
GnaishaKnowledgeable woman
GnanikaA learned woman
GnaanyaWise and intelligent

Boy Names Starting with “Gy”

GyandevGod of knowledge
GyaneshLord of knowledge
GyanendraKing of knowledge
GyanitOne who is knowledgeable
GyananWise, learned
GyatKnowledge, wisdom
GyanvijayVictory of knowledge
GyanshKnowledge and wisdom
GyashOne who is wise
GyatishOne who possesses knowledge

Girl Names Starting with “Gy”

GyanikaKnowledgeable woman
GyaniWise, knowledgeable
GyanviOne who has knowledge
GyatriA sacred chant, wisdom
GyanishaGoddess of wisdom
GyasreeKnowledgeable and bright
GyanishaOne who is full of wisdom
GyanitaIntelligent and wise
GyanvithaOne who possesses knowledge
GyanyaWise and intelligent

Boy Names Starting with “Jna”

JnaneshLord of knowledge
JnanavKnowledgeable man
JnanendraKing of knowledge
JnaneshwarGod of knowledge
JnanakKnowledge bearer
JnanithOne who possesses knowledge
JnanaWisdom, knowledge
JnanakOne who is wise
JnananandJoy of knowledge
JnaasOne who is intelligent

Girl Names Starting with “Jna”

JnanikaKnowledgeable woman
JnaayaOne who understands
JnaanaWisdom, knowledge
JnanaKnowledge, wisdom
JnaithaIntelligent woman
JnaniWise woman
JnaithiOne who is wise
JnashreeKnowledge and beauty
JnasuWise and intelligent
JnanikaOne who has knowledge

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