300 Revathi Nakshatra Names for Baby

Revathy Nakshatra, also known as Revati, is the 27th and last nakshatra in Vedic astrology. It symbolizes the end of the journey, representing nurturing, protection, and spiritual growth. Governed by the deity Pushan, the protector and nourisher. Revathy Nakshatra is associated with kindness, prosperity, and a guiding energy for safe travels and well-being.

When selecting a name for a baby born under Revathi Nakshatra, parents typically look for names that reflect these qualities of compassion, creativity, and abundance. Such names not only embody the personality traits associated with this Nakshatra but also carry significant meanings that resonate with growth and prosperity. This article presents a curated list of names for boys and girls born under Revathi Nakshatra, complete with their meanings, cultural significance, and related traits.

Explore a delightful collection of 300 Revathi Nakshatra Names for Baby for boys and girls born under Revathi Nakshatra! This list features names starting with De, Do, Cha, and Chí, all carefully chosen to reflect the loving and nurturing qualities of Revathi.

Revathy Nakshatra: Detailed Insights

300 Revathi Nakshatra Names for Baby
Revathi Nakshatra Names for Baby

Revathy Nakshatra, also known as Revati, is the 27th and last nakshatra in Vedic astrology. It symbolizes the end of the journey, representing nurturing, protection, and spiritual growth. Governed by the deity Pushan, the protector and nourisher, this Nakshatra is associated with kindness, prosperity, and a guiding energy for safe travels and well-being.

Important Details of Revathy Nakshatra:

NakshatraRevathi / Revati
Nakshatra Number27th
LetterDe, Do, Cha, Chí
Ruling PlanetMercury (Budh)
SymbolFish or a pair of fish, drum
DeityPushan (Nourisher and Protector)
Zodiac SignPisces (Meena Rashi)
ElementEther (Space)
GanaDeva Gana (Divine)
NatureGentle and Caring
Associated StarsPiscium
Indian Zodiac10°26′ – 23°46′ Aries
Western Zodiac16°40′ – 30° Pisces
Favorable ActivitiesSpiritual pursuits, helping others, travel

Revathy Nakshatra Name Letters

The name letters associated with Revathy Nakshatra are:

  • De
  • Do
  • Cha
  • Chí

These syllables are considered auspicious for naming children born under the influence of this Nakshatra. Names starting with these letters are believed to bring good fortune and align with the positive traits of the nakshatra, such as nurturing, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Revathy Nakshatra Lord

The lord of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is Venus (Shukra).

Venus, being the planet of love, beauty, and prosperity, strongly influences those born under this nakshatra. It brings qualities like charm, creativity, a love for luxury, and a focus on relationships. People governed by Venus tend to enjoy socializing, art, and romance, reflecting the nurturing and pleasure-seeking nature of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Revathy Nakshatra Symbol

The symbol of Revathy Nakshatra is a fish or a pair of fish.

This symbol shows care, protection, and nourishment. It represents the caring nature of people born in this nakshatra. Just like fish move smoothly in water, it also means that they are flexible and can adjust to different situations easily. The symbol also stands for spiritual growth and the ability to guide and support others, bringing them peace and prosperity.

Famous Personalities Born in Revathy Nakshatra

Female PersonalitiesMale Personalities
Angelina Jolie (1975) – Actress and humanitarian.Marlon Brando (1924-2004) – Legendary actor.
Rihanna (1988) – Singer and businesswoman.Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) – Poet and Nobel laureate.
Jaya Bachchan (1948) – Actress and politician.Malcolm X (1925-1965) – Civil rights activist.
Whitney Houston (1963-2012) – Singer and actress.Justin Trudeau (1971) – Prime Minister of Canada.
Meg Ryan (1961) – Actress, famous for romantic comedies.David Blaine (1973) – Illusionist and endurance artist.

Revathi Nakshatra Names for Baby

Revathi Nakshatra boy names starting with “De”:

DevGod, Divine
DevanshPart of God
DevendraLord of Gods
DevrajKing of Gods
DevankGodly, Divine
DevashishBlessings of God
DevayanPath of Gods
DevjitVictorious God
DevyankStar of Gods
DeveshLord Shiva
DevamDivine, Supreme Being
DevanshuRay of Light from God
DevrathDivine Chariot
DevvanshPart of Divinity
DevinPoet, Divine
DevnarayanKing of Gods
DevakDivine Power
DevathDivine, Pure
DevaanshPart of God
DevyanGodly Path
DevvirWarrior of God
DevarshiSage of Gods
DevitBelonging to the Gods
DevirthStrong as God
DevrathDivine Chariot
DevithDivine Being
DevthitDivine, Pure
DevmaniPrecious, Divine Jewel
DevendrajKing of Gods
DevkumarSon of God
DevindarSupreme Lord
DevarajKing of Gods
DevenderLord of Lords
DevendrajSovereign of Gods
DevenjitVictorious King
DevitranDivine Supporter
DevyakshStrong Divine
DevkirtFamous for Divinity
DevrithDivine Warrior
DevtejDivine Brightness
DevitharDivine Glow
DevadityaLord Surya
DevathaSupreme Being
DevyuktEngaged with Gods
DevarmanDivine Man
DevasherOne Who Serves the Gods
DeveshanLord of Gods
DevsthanSacred Place
DevvaranGod’s Gift

Revathi Nakshatra girl names starting with “De”:

DevikaLittle Goddess
DevanshiDivine Part
DevishaGoddess of All
DevinaDivine, Heavenly
DevyaDivine Power
DevishaChief of Goddesses
DevakiLord Krishna’s Mother
DevishaChief Goddess
DevyaniGraceful, Like Goddess
DevanganaCelestial Maiden
DevishaChief Goddess
DevkanyaDivine Girl
DevishaChief of Divinity
DevyanaGoddess Parvati
DevalinaDivine Beauty
DevshreeDivine Prosperity
DevashreeGoddess Lakshmi
DevitaDivine Power
DevyaniGraceful, Divine
DevashriDivine Prosperity
DeveshiChief of Goddesses
DevanshaDivine Part
DevpriyaBeloved of the Gods
DevangiDivine Maiden
DevataraSacred Star
DevikaaliLittle Goddess of Time
DevratiCelestial Girl
DevishaChief Goddess
DevyasriGoddess Lakshmi
DevsenaGoddess of Army
DevakiyaLord Krishna’s Mother
DevinaDivine Power
DevyashaFull of Divinity
DevahitaDivine Well-being
DevakiyaGodly Powers
DevyaniDivine Love
DevavaniDivine Speech
DevshikaDivine Guide
DevtithiDivine Day
DevrashiDivine Sage
DevsinaDivine Warrior
DevangiDivine Beauty
DevshreeDivine Wealth
DevriyaDivine Flow
DevtharaDivine Star
DevanshiPart of Divinity
DevshaDivine Grace

Revathi Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with “Do”

DoranBrave, Fearless
DoshinOne who is Bright
DothanGifted and Talented
DovarOne who is Intelligent
DoyanKnowledgeable and Wise
DoreeshLeader, Ruler
DorakOne who is Noble
DolaSwing, Cradle
DovarajKing of Wealth
DoveshOne who is Calm

Revathi Nakshatra Girl Names Starting with “Do”

DolaSwing, Cradle
DobitaA precious gift
DoshitaOne who is Blessed
DovitaOne who is Strong
DoyalOne who is Joyful
DoriyaA beautiful flower
DoshniA kind-hearted person
DomikaOne who brings Happiness
DoryaniOne who is Soft-hearted
DoshikaA radiant person

Revathi Nakshatra boy names starting with “Cha”:

ChaitanyaConsciousness, Knowledge
CharanFeet, Humble
ChandreshLord of the Moon
CharvikIntelligent, Brilliant
ChandranMoon, Bright
ChandanSandalwood, Fragrant
ChakradharLord Vishnu
ChaitvikIntelligent, Knowledgeable
ChandakMoonlight, Glow
CharithGood Character, History
ChakravarUniversal Monarch
ChandramFull Moon, Illumination
ChakshuEye, Vision
CharithanOne with Good Character
ChandaneshLord of Sandalwood
ChakraveerBrave and Strong
ChanchalActive, Lively
ChandakshOne with Beautiful Eyes
ChansukhOne who Brings Happiness
ChandvikStrong as the Moon
ChakradharOne who Carries the Discus
ChandrapalProtector of the Moon
CharvikashBrilliant, Intelligent
ChaitreshLord of Intelligence
ChandrayanMoon’s Journey
CharitGood Character
ChadranathLord of the Moon
ChamanGarden, Flower Bed
ChandrabhaLight of the Moon
ChardikOne Who Has Charisma
ChandavBeautiful, Graceful
ChaitramBorn in the Month of Chaitra
ChandavikOne Who Is Brave Like the Moon
ChandratKing of the Moon
ChakrapaniLord Vishnu
ChandraveerBrave Like the Moon
CharukeshLord Shiva
ChathuraClever, Skilful
ChandraneelBlue as the Moon
ChandrakMoonlight, Gentle
CharishDear, Beloved
ChakradharOne Who Carries the Discus
ChandrabirBrave as the Moon
ChakravirWarrior with a Discus
ChandrayanLord of the Moon
ChamanbirBrave Like a Flower
ChandrathMoon-Like Brightness
CharunikOne Who Is Charming
ChakrabanHolder of Power

Revathi Nakshatra girl names starting with “Cha”:

CharuBeautiful, Graceful
ChaitraBeginning of a New Year
ChandanaScented Wood, Sandalwood
CharviBeautiful, Intelligent
ChaitanyaConsciousness, Knowledge
ChandrikaMoonlight, Soft Glow
CharitaGood Character, History
ChandniMoonlight, Illumination
ChandrimaThe Moon
ChahnaLove, Affection
ChakrikaGoddess Lakshmi
CharitaPleasant, Lovely
CharulataBeautiful Creeper Plant
ChakshuEye, Vision
CharithaGood Behavior
CharismaAttraction, Grace
ChahanaLonging, Affection
CharmiOne with Charm, Delightful
ChaitaliOne with Pure Mind
ChandrikaIlluminating Like the Moon
ChakoriA Bird Enamored by the Moonlight
CharuniCharming, Graceful
ChandralekhaMoon’s Crescent
CharvikIntelligent, Smart
ChayapriyaLover of Shadow
ChanchalActive, Lively
ChandrakiSparkling Moonlight
CharulikaBeautiful, Intelligent
ChandravatiMoonlit, Illuminated
CharithaGood Conduct
ChandikaGoddess Durga
ChaitrikaIntelligent Girl
ChandrikaaGlowing Like the Moon
CharulataGraceful, Lovely
ChanchalaRestless, Active
ChandrikaaGoddess of Moon
CharvikaIntelligent, Beautiful
ChandaniyaDaughter of the Moon
ChandrapriyaBeloved of the Moon
ChandiriniFull of Moonlight
CharulataGraceful Like a Vine
ChandravatiFull of Moonlight
ChakrinaBright Like the Moon
CharuniGraceful and Beautiful
CharishmaCharm, Grace
CharitaFull of Goodness
ChandniyaGlowing Like the Moon
CharumatiMoon-like Beautiful
ChaitrikaaPure and Intelligent

Revathi Nakshatra boy names starting with “Chí”:

ChíragLamp, Light
ChítreshLord of Intelligence
ChírantanEverlasting, Immortal
ChíranthEnduring, Long-lasting
ChírakTimeless, Eternal
ChívakSun, Bright
ChítanMind, Consciousness
ChítvikIntelligent, Clever
ChírithanOne with Good Character
ChíragmanOne who Shines Like a Lamp
ChítamayFull of Knowledge
ChítravirBrave and Wise
ChíranshPart of Eternity
ChíranandEternal Joy
ChítrankMoonlight, Illumination
ChíravEternal, Immortal
ChítadityaLord of the Mind
ChíranjitEternal Victory
ChítrahanKiller of Illusions
ChítrajitOne Who Conquers
ChírakshEternal Eyes
ChírasenForever Strong
ChítnayakLeader of Minds
ChítrakantMoonlight’s Glow
ChíranjitEternal, Victorious
ChíravratFollower of Eternal Values
ChítrayudhOne Who Fights Illusions
ChítravirOne Who Is Brave and Wise
ChíranmanEnduring, Lasting
ChítradhanWealth of Knowledge
ChíriteshRuler of Eternity
ChíritvanFull of Good Character
ChítavritWise and Knowledgeable
ChítrikeshLord of Arts
ChítrayanMoon’s Journey
ChírakathEternal Storyteller
ChítrabanOne Who Owns Many Skills
ChíravanFull of Wisdom
ChítrakshBeautiful Eyes
ChítravishLord of Eternal Wisdom
ChírakeshOne With Eternal Hair
ChíranithEnduring Strength
ChíthayanEternal Traveller
ChírikeshEternal Lord
ChítrapalProtector of Art
ChítravirOne Who Is Eternally Brave
ChítrajitEternal Conqueror
ChíradipEternal Flame
ChíranishEternal King
ChírayushLong-lived, Eternal

Revathi Nakshatra girl names starting with “Chí”:

ChítajyotiLight of Art
ChítarikaOne Who is Gifted with Skills
ChítanaviNavigator of Art
ChítashankariAuspiciousness of Art
ChítasaiThe One Who is Bright
ChítakshaOne with Beautiful Eyes
ChítamaniOne Who is a Gem of Art
ChítapadmaLotus of Art
ChítashreeBlessed with Knowledge
ChítiniWise and Skillful
ChítaraginiOne Who is a Beautiful Singer
ChítakaviArtistic Poet
ChítikshaEndurance, Patience
ChítakarniOne Who is Skillful
ChítakanyaPure and Intelligent Girl
ChítakshiOne with Beautiful Eyes
ChítasundariBeautiful Mind
ChítishaFull of Happiness
ChítanyaAwareness, Knowledge
ChítalavyaOne Who is Adorned
ChítikaOne Who is Bright
ChítariniThe One Who Knows the Art
ChítishaBrightness, Knowledge
ChítrishaOne with a Vision
ChítanghaBeautiful and Attractive
ChítranghaBright, Full of Colors
ChíritiOne who is Intelligent
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